function views_get_view

Get a view from the database or from default views.

This function is just a static wrapper around views::load(). This function isn't called 'views_load()' primarily because it might get a view from the default views which aren't technically loaded from the database.


string $name: The name of the view.

bool $reset: If TRUE, reset this entry in the load cache.

Return value

view A reference to the $view object. Use $reset if you're sure you want a fresh one.

19 calls to views_get_view()
ViewsAnalyzeTest::testAnalyzeBasic in tests/views_analyze.test
Tests that analyze works in general.
ViewsExposedFormTest::testRenameResetButton in tests/views_exposed_form.test
Tests, whether and how the reset button can be renamed.
ViewsGlossaryTestCase::testGlossaryView in tests/views_glossary.test
Tests the glossary feature.
ViewsUIWizardJumpMenuTestCase::testJumpMenus in tests/views_ui.test
Tests the jump menu style plugin.
ViewsViewTest::testDelete in tests/views_view.test
Test deleting a view.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'views_get_view'
views_ui_add_form in includes/
Form builder for the "add new view" page.


./views.module, line 1736


function views_get_view($name, $reset = FALSE) {
    if ($reset) {
        $cache =& drupal_static('ctools_export_load_object');
        if (isset($cache['views_view'][$name])) {
    $view = ctools_export_crud_load('views_view', $name);
    if ($view) {
        return $view->clone_view();