function views_drush_help

Implements hook_drush_help().


drush/, line 15


function views_drush_help($section) {
    switch ($section) {
        case 'drush:views-revert':
            $help = dt('Reverts views in the drupal installation that have been overriden. ');
            $help .= dt('If no view names are specified, you will be presented with a list of overridden views to choose from. ');
            $help .= dt('To revert all views, do not specify any view names, and choose the option "All" from the options presented.');
            return $help;
        case 'drush:views-list':
            return dt('Show a list of available views with information about them.');
        case 'drush:views-enable':
            return dt('Enable the specified views. Follow the command with a space delimited list of view names');
        case 'drush:views-disable':
            return dt('Disable the specified views. Follow the command with a space delimited list of view names');