class RulesPluginUI

Faces UI extender for all kind of Rules plugins.

Provides various useful methods for any rules UI.


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class RulesPluginUI extends FacesExtender implements RulesPluginUIInterface {
     * @var RulesPlugin
    protected $element;
     * The base path determines where a Rules overview UI lives.
     * All forms that want to display Rules (overview) forms need to set this
     * variable. This is necessary in order to get correct operation links,
     * paths, redirects, breadcrumbs, etc. for the form() and overviewTable()
     * methods.
     * @see RulesUIController
     * @see rules_admin_reaction_overview()
     * @see rules_admin_components_overview()
    public static $basePath = NULL;
     * Provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful.
    public function __construct(FacesExtendable $object) {
        $this->element = $object;
     * Returns the state values for $form, possibly only a part of the whole form.
     * In case the form is embedded somewhere, this function figures out the
     * location of its form values and returns them for further use.
     * @param array $form
     *   A form array, or an array of form elements to get the value for.
     * @param array $form_state
     *   The form state as usual.
    public static function &getFormStateValues($form, &$form_state) {
        $values = NULL;
        if (isset($form_state['values'])) {
            // Assume the top level if parents are not yet set.
            $form += array(
                '#parents' => array(),
            $values =& $form_state['values'];
            foreach ($form['#parents'] as $parent) {
                $values =& $values[$parent];
        return $values;
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
     * Generates the element edit form.
     * Note: Make sure that you set RulesPluginUI::$basePath before using this
     * method, otherwise paths, links, redirects etc. won't be correct.
    public function form(&$form, &$form_state, $options = array()) {
        self::formDefaults($form, $form_state);
        $form_state += array(
            'rules_element' => $this->element,
        // Add the help to the top of the form.
        $help = $this->element
        $form['help'] = is_array($help) ? $help : array(
            '#markup' => $help,
        // We use $form_state['element_settings'] to store the settings of both
        // parameter modes. That way one can switch between the parameter modes
        // without losing the settings of those.
        $form_state += array(
            'element_settings' => $this->element->settings,
        $settings = $this->element->settings + $form_state['element_settings'];
        $form['parameter'] = array(
            '#tree' => TRUE,
        foreach ($this->element
            ->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $parameter) {
            if ($parameter['type'] == 'hidden') {
            $form['parameter'][$name] = array(
                '#type' => 'fieldset',
                '#title' => check_plain($parameter['label']),
                '#description' => filter_xss(isset($parameter['description']) ? $parameter['description'] : ''),
            // Init the parameter input mode.
            $form_state['parameter_mode'][$name] = !isset($form_state['parameter_mode'][$name]) ? NULL : $form_state['parameter_mode'][$name];
            $form['parameter'][$name] += $this->getParameterForm($name, $parameter, $settings, $form_state['parameter_mode'][$name]);
        // Provide a form for editing the label and name of provided variables.
        $settings = $this->element->settings;
        foreach ($this->element
            ->pluginProvidesVariables() as $var_name => $var_info) {
            $form['provides'][$var_name] = array(
                '#type' => 'fieldset',
                '#title' => check_plain($var_info['label']),
                '#description' => filter_xss(isset($var_info['description']) ? $var_info['description'] : ''),
            $form['provides'][$var_name]['label'] = array(
                '#type' => 'textfield',
                '#title' => t('Variable label'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings[$var_name . ':label']) ? $settings[$var_name . ':label'] : $var_info['label'],
                '#required' => TRUE,
            $form['provides'][$var_name]['var'] = array(
                '#type' => 'textfield',
                '#title' => t('Variable name'),
                '#default_value' => isset($settings[$var_name . ':var']) ? $settings[$var_name . ':var'] : $var_name,
                '#description' => t('The variable name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores and must be unique in the current scope.'),
                '#element_validate' => array(
                '#required' => TRUE,
        if (!empty($form['provides'])) {
            $help = '<div class="description">' . t('Adjust the names and labels of provided variables, but note that renaming of already utilized variables invalidates the existing uses.') . '</div>';
            $form['provides'] += array(
                '#tree' => TRUE,
                '#prefix' => '<h4 class="rules-form-heading">' . t('Provided variables') . '</h4>' . $help,
        // Add settings form, if specified.
        if (!empty($options['show settings'])) {
            $this->settingsForm($form, $form_state);
        // Add submit button, if specified.
        if (!empty($options['button'])) {
            $form['submit'] = array(
                '#type' => 'submit',
                '#value' => t('Save'),
                '#weight' => 10,
     * Actually generates the parameter form for the given data type.
    protected function getParameterForm($name, $info, $settings, &$mode) {
        $class = $this->getDataTypeClass($info['type'], $info);
        $supports_input_mode = in_array('RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface', class_implements($class));
        // Init the mode.
        if (!isset($mode)) {
            if (isset($settings[$name . ':select'])) {
                $mode = 'selector';
            elseif (isset($settings[$name]) && $supports_input_mode) {
                $mode = 'input';
            elseif (isset($info['restriction'])) {
                $mode = $info['restriction'];
            else {
                // Allow the parameter to define the 'default mode' and fallback to the
                // data type default.
                $mode = !empty($info['default mode']) ? $info['default mode'] : call_user_func(array(
        // For translatable parameters, pre-populate an internal translation source
        // key so data type forms or input evaluators (i18n) may show a suitable
        // help message.
        if (drupal_multilingual() && !empty($info['translatable'])) {
            $parameter = $this->element
            $info['custom translation language'] = !empty($parameter['language']);
        // Add the parameter form.
        if ($mode == 'input' && $supports_input_mode) {
            $form['settings'] = call_user_func(array(
            ), $name, $info, $settings, $this->element);
        else {
            $form['settings'] = call_user_func(array(
            ), $name, $info, $settings, $this->element);
        // Add a link for switching the input mode when JS is enabled and a button
        // to switch it without JavaScript, in case switching is possible.
        if ($supports_input_mode && empty($info['restriction'])) {
            $value = $mode == 'selector' ? t('Switch to the direct input mode') : t('Switch to data selection');
            $form['switch_button'] = array(
                '#type' => 'submit',
                '#name' => 'param_' . $name,
                '#attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
                '#parameter' => $name,
                '#value' => $value,
                '#submit' => array(
                '#ajax' => rules_ui_form_default_ajax('none'),
                // Do not validate!
'#limit_validation_errors' => array(),
        return $form;
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
    public function form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
        $this->form_extract_values($form, $form_state);
        $form_values = RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues($form, $form_state);
        if (isset($form_values['provides'])) {
            $vars = $this->element
            foreach ($form_values['provides'] as $name => $values) {
                if (isset($vars[$values['var']])) {
                    form_error($form['provides'][$name]['var'], t('The variable name %name is already taken.', array(
                        '%name' => $values['var'],
        // Settings have been updated, so process them now.
        // Make sure the current user really has access to configure this element
        // as well as the used input evaluators and data processors.
        if (!user_access('bypass rules access') && !$this->element
            ->access()) {
            form_set_error('', t('Access violation! You have insufficient access permissions to edit this configuration.'));
        if (!empty($form['settings'])) {
            $this->settingsFormValidate($form, $form_state);
     * Applies the values of the form to the element.
    public function form_extract_values($form, &$form_state) {
        $this->element->settings = array();
        $form_values = RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues($form, $form_state);
        if (isset($form_values['parameter'])) {
            foreach ($form_values['parameter'] as $name => $values) {
                $this->element->settings += $values['settings'];
        if (isset($form_values['provides'])) {
            foreach ($form_values['provides'] as $name => $values) {
                $this->element->settings[$name . ':label'] = $values['label'];
                $this->element->settings[$name . ':var'] = $values['var'];
        if (!empty($form['settings'])) {
            $this->settingsFormExtractValues($form, $form_state);
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
    public function form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
        // Need to save the element first, before trying to set the component
        // permissions in settingsFormSubmit(), because hook_permission() needs
        // to be able to load the modified element from the DB in order to work
        // properly.
        // @see
        if (!empty($form['settings'])) {
            $this->settingsFormSubmit($form, $form_state);
     * Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ...).
    public function settingsForm(&$form, &$form_state) {
        $form_values = RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues($form, $form_state);
        // Add the settings in a separate fieldset below.
        $form['settings'] = array(
            '#type' => 'fieldset',
            '#title' => t('Settings'),
            '#collapsible' => TRUE,
            '#collapsed' => empty($form_values['settings']['vars']['more']),
            '#weight' => 5,
            '#tree' => TRUE,
        $form['settings']['label'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#title' => t('Name'),
            '#default_value' => $this->element
            '#required' => TRUE,
            '#weight' => -5,
        // @todo For Drupal 8 use "owner" for generating machine names and
        // module only for the modules providing default configurations.
        if (!empty($this->element->module) && !empty($this->element->name) && $this->element->module == 'rules' && strpos($this->element->name, 'rules_') === 0) {
            // Remove the Rules module prefix from the machine name.
            $machine_name = substr($this->element->name, strlen($this->element->module) + 1);
        else {
            $machine_name = $this->element->name;
        $form['settings']['name'] = array(
            '#type' => 'machine_name',
            '#default_value' => isset($machine_name) ? $machine_name : '',
            // The string 'rules_' is pre-pended to machine names, so the
            // maxlength must be less than the field length of 64 characters.
'#maxlength' => 58,
            '#disabled' => entity_has_status('rules_config', $this->element, ENTITY_IN_CODE) && !(isset($form_state['op']) && $form_state['op'] == 'clone'),
            '#machine_name' => array(
                'exists' => 'rules_config_load',
                'source' => array(
            '#required' => TRUE,
            '#description' => t('The machine-readable name of this configuration is used by rules internally to identify the configuration. This name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores and must be unique.'),
        $form['settings']['tags'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#title' => t('Tags'),
            '#default_value' => isset($this->element->tags) ? drupal_implode_tags($this->element->tags) : '',
            '#autocomplete_path' => 'admin/config/workflow/rules/autocomplete_tags',
            '#description' => t('Tags associated with this configuration, used for filtering in the admin interface. Separate multiple tags with commas.'),
        // Show a form for editing variables for components.
        if (($plugin_info = $this->element
            ->pluginInfo()) && !empty($plugin_info['component'])) {
            if ($this->element
                ->hasStatus(ENTITY_IN_CODE)) {
                $description = t('The variables used by the component. They can not be edited for configurations that are provided in code.');
            else {
                $description = t('Variables are normally input <em>parameters</em> for the component – data that should be available for the component to act on. Additionally, action components may <em>provide</em> variables back to the caller. Each variable must have a specified data type, a label and a unique machine readable name containing only lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores. See <a href="@url">the online documentation</a> for more information about variables.', array(
                    '@url' => rules_external_help('variables'),
            $form['settings']['vars'] = array(
                '#prefix' => '<div id="rules-component-variables">',
                '#suffix' => '</div>',
                '#tree' => TRUE,
                '#element_validate' => array(
                '#theme' => 'rules_ui_variable_form',
                '#title' => t('Variables'),
                '#description' => $description,
                // Variables can not be edited on configurations in code.
'#disabled' => $this->element
            $weight = 0;
            $provides = $this->element
            foreach ($this->element
                ->componentVariables() as $name => $var_info) {
                $form['settings']['vars']['items'][$name] = array(
                    'weight' => array(
                        '#default_value' => $weight++,
                ) + RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm($name, $var_info, isset($provides[$name]));
            // Add one empty row in case user wants to add an additional variable.
            $form['settings']['vars']['items'][] = array(
                'weight' => array(
                    '#default_value' => $weight++,
            ) + RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm();
            // Submit button will cause a form rebuild using the currently-entered
            // values. If a variable has been added, a new empty row will also appear.
            $form['settings']['vars']['more'] = array(
                '#type' => 'submit',
                '#value' => t('Add more'),
                '#ajax' => rules_ui_form_default_ajax('none'),
                '#limit_validation_errors' => array(
                '#submit' => array(
            if (!empty($this->element->id)) {
                // Display a setting to manage access.
                $form['settings']['access'] = array(
                    '#weight' => 50,
                $plugin_type = $this->element instanceof RulesActionInterface ? t('action') : t('condition');
                $form['settings']['access']['access_exposed'] = array(
                    '#type' => 'checkbox',
                    '#title' => t('Configure access for using this component with a permission.'),
                    '#default_value' => !empty($this->element->access_exposed),
                    '#description' => t('By default, the @plugin-type for using this component may be only used by users that have access to configure the component. If checked, access is determined by a permission instead.', array(
                        '@plugin-type' => $plugin_type,
                $form['settings']['access']['permissions'] = array(
                    '#type' => 'container',
                    '#states' => array(
                        'visible' => array(
                            ':input[name="settings[access][access_exposed]"]' => array(
                                'checked' => TRUE,
                $form['settings']['access']['permissions']['matrix'] = $this->settingsFormPermissionMatrix();
        // @todo Attach field form thus description.
     * Provides a matrix permission for the component based in the existing roles.
     * @return array
     *   Form elements with the matrix of permissions for a component.
    protected function settingsFormPermissionMatrix() {
        $form['#theme'] = 'user_admin_permissions';
        $status = array();
        $options = array();
        $role_names = user_roles();
        $role_permissions = user_role_permissions($role_names);
        $component_permission = rules_permissions_by_component(array(
        $component_permission_name = key($component_permission);
        $form['permission'][$component_permission_name] = array(
            '#type' => 'item',
            '#markup' => $component_permission[$component_permission_name]['title'],
        $options[$component_permission_name] = '';
        foreach ($role_names as $rid => $name) {
            if (isset($role_permissions[$rid][$component_permission_name])) {
                $status[$rid][] = $component_permission_name;
        // Build the checkboxes for each role.
        foreach ($role_names as $rid => $name) {
            $form['checkboxes'][$rid] = array(
                '#type' => 'checkboxes',
                '#options' => $options,
                '#default_value' => isset($status[$rid]) ? $status[$rid] : array(),
                '#attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
                        'rid-' . $rid,
            $form['role_names'][$rid] = array(
                '#markup' => check_plain($name),
                '#tree' => TRUE,
        // Attach the default permissions page JavaScript.
        $form['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.permissions.js';
        return $form;
     * @param array $form
     *   The form array where to add the form.
     * @param array $form_state
     *   The current form state.
    public function settingsFormExtractValues($form, &$form_state) {
        $form_values = RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues($form['settings'], $form_state);
        $this->element->label = $form_values['label'];
        // If the name was changed we have to redirect to the URL that contains
        // the new name, instead of rebuilding on the old URL with the old name.
        if ($form['settings']['name']['#default_value'] != $form_values['name']) {
            $module = isset($this->element->module) ? $this->element->module : 'rules';
            $this->element->name = $module . '_' . $form_values['name'];
            $form_state['redirect'] = RulesPluginUI::path($this->element->name, 'edit', $this->element);
        $this->element->tags = empty($form_values['tags']) ? array() : drupal_explode_tags($form_values['tags']);
        if (isset($form_values['vars']['items'])) {
            $vars =& $this->element
            $vars = array();
            if ($this->element instanceof RulesActionContainer) {
                $provides =& $this->element
                $provides = array();
            usort($form_values['vars']['items'], 'rules_element_sort_helper');
            foreach ($form_values['vars']['items'] as $item) {
                if ($item['type'] && $item['name'] && $item['label']) {
                    $vars[$item['name']] = array(
                        'label' => $item['label'],
                        'type' => $item['type'],
                    if (!$item['usage'][0]) {
                        $vars[$item['name']]['parameter'] = FALSE;
                    if ($item['usage'][1] && isset($provides)) {
                        $provides[] = $item['name'];
            // Disable FAPI persistence for the variable form so renumbering works.
            $input =& $form_state['input'];
            foreach ($form['settings']['#parents'] as $parent) {
                $input =& $input[$parent];
        $this->element->access_exposed = isset($form_values['access']['access_exposed']) ? $form_values['access']['access_exposed'] : FALSE;
     * @param array $form
     *   The form array where to add the form.
     * @param array $form_state
     *   The current form state.
    public function settingsFormValidate($form, &$form_state) {
        $form_values = RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues($form['settings'], $form_state);
        if ($form['settings']['name']['#default_value'] != $form_values['name'] && rules_config_load($this->element->name)) {
            form_error($form['settings']['name'], t('The machine-readable name %name is already taken.', array(
                '%name' => $form_values['name'],
     * @param array $form
     *   The form array where to add the form.
     * @param array $form_state
     *   The current form state.
    public function settingsFormSubmit($form, &$form_state) {
        if (isset($form_state['values']['settings']['access']) && !empty($this->element->access_exposed)) {
            // Save the permission matrix.
            foreach ($form_state['values']['settings']['access']['permissions']['matrix']['checkboxes'] as $rid => $value) {
                // Need to account for the case where the machine name has been changed,
                // because then the $value array variable will be keyed with the wrong
                // permission name. So here we recompute the permission name to use as
                // a key and extract the value from the $value array.
                $component_permission = rules_permissions_by_component(array(
                $component_permission_name = key($component_permission);
                user_role_change_permissions($rid, array(
                    $component_permission_name => current($value),
     * Returns the form for configuring the info of a single variable.
    public function getVariableForm($name = '', $info = array(), $provided = FALSE) {
        $form['type'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#options' => array(
                0 => '--',
            ) + RulesPluginUI::getOptions('data'),
            '#default_value' => isset($info['type']) ? $info['type'] : 0,
        $form['label'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#size' => 40,
            '#default_value' => isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : '',
        $form['name'] = array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#size' => 40,
            '#default_value' => $name,
            '#element_validate' => array(
        $usage[0] = !isset($info['parameter']) || $info['parameter'] ? 1 : 0;
        $usage[1] = $provided ? 1 : 0;
        $form['usage'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#default_value' => implode('', $usage),
            '#options' => array(
                '10' => t('Parameter'),
                '11' => t('Parameter + Provided'),
                '01' => t('Provided'),
        if ($this->element instanceof RulesConditionContainer) {
            $form['usage']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
        // Just set the weight #default_value for the returned form.
        $form['weight'] = array(
            '#type' => 'weight',
        return $form;
     * Returns the name of class for the given data type.
     * @param string $data_type
     *   The name of the data type
     * @param array $parameter_info
     *   (optional) An array of info about the to be configured parameter. If
     *   given, this array is complemented with data type defaults also.
    public function getDataTypeClass($data_type, &$parameter_info = array()) {
        $cache = rules_get_cache();
        $data_info = $cache['data_info'];
        // Add in data-type defaults.
        if (empty($parameter_info['ui class'])) {
            $parameter_info['ui class'] = is_string($data_type) && isset($data_info[$data_type]['ui class']) ? $data_info[$data_type]['ui class'] : 'RulesDataUI';
        if (is_subclass_of($parameter_info['ui class'], 'RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface')) {
            $parameter_info['options list'] = array(
                $parameter_info['ui class'],
        return $parameter_info['ui class'];
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
     * Shows a preview of the configuration settings.
    public function buildContent() {
        $config_name = $this->element
        $content['label'] = array(
            '#type' => 'link',
            '#title' => $this->element
            '#href' => $this->element
                ->isRoot() ? RulesPluginUI::path($config_name) : RulesPluginUI::path($config_name, 'edit', $this->element),
            '#prefix' => '<div class="rules-element-label">',
            '#suffix' => '</div>',
        // Put the elements below in a "description" div.
        $content['description'] = array(
            '#prefix' => '<div class="description">',
        $content['description']['parameter'] = array(
            '#caption' => t('Parameter'),
            '#theme' => 'rules_content_group',
        foreach ($this->element
            ->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $parameter) {
            $element = array();
            if (!empty($this->element->settings[$name . ':select'])) {
                $element['content'] = array(
                    '#markup' => '[' . $this->element->settings[$name . ':select'] . ']',
            elseif (isset($this->element->settings[$name])) {
                $class = $this->getDataTypeClass($parameter['type'], $parameter);
                $method = empty($parameter['options list']) ? 'render' : 'renderOptionsLabel';
                // We cannot use method_exists() here as it would trigger a PHP bug.
                // @see
                $element = call_user_func(array(
                ), $this->element->settings[$name], $name, $parameter, $this->element);
            // Only add parameters that are really configured / not default.
            if ($element) {
                $content['description']['parameter'][$name] = array(
                    '#theme' => 'rules_parameter_configuration',
                    '#info' => $parameter,
                ) + $element;
        foreach ($this->element
            ->providesVariables() as $name => $var_info) {
            $content['description']['provides'][$name] = array(
                '#theme' => 'rules_variable_view',
                '#info' => $var_info,
                '#name' => $name,
        if (!empty($content['description']['provides'])) {
            $content['description']['provides'] += array(
                '#caption' => t('Provides variables'),
                '#theme' => 'rules_content_group',
        // Add integrity exception messages if there are any for this element.
        try {
            // A configuration is still marked as dirty, but already works again.
            if (!empty($this->element->dirty)) {
                $variables = array(
                    '%label' => $this->element
                    '%name' => $this->element->name,
                    '@plugin' => $this->element
                drupal_set_message(t('The @plugin %label (%name) was marked dirty, but passes the integrity check now and is active again.', $variables));
        } catch (RulesIntegrityException $e) {
            $content['description']['integrity'] = array(
                '#theme' => 'rules_content_group',
                '#caption' => t('Error'),
                '#attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
                'error' => array(
                    '#markup' => filter_xss($e->getMessage()),
            // Also make sure the rule is marked as dirty.
            if (empty($this->element->dirty)) {
        $content['#suffix'] = '</div>';
        $content['#type'] = 'container';
        $content['#attributes']['class'][] = 'rules-element-content';
        return $content;
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
    public function operations() {
        $name = $this->element
        $render = array(
            '#theme' => 'links__rules',
        $render['#attributes']['class'][] = 'rules-operations';
        $render['#attributes']['class'][] = 'action-links';
        $render['#links']['edit'] = array(
            'title' => t('edit'),
            'href' => RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'edit', $this->element),
        $render['#links']['delete'] = array(
            'title' => t('delete'),
            'href' => RulesPluginUI::path($name, 'delete', $this->element),
        return $render;
     * Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
    public function help() {
     * Deprecated by the controllers overviewTable() method.
    public static function overviewTable($conditions = array(), $options = array()) {
        return rules_ui()->overviewTable($conditions, $options);
     * Generates an operation path.
     * Generates a path using the given operation for the element with the given
     * id of the configuration with the given name.
    public static function path($name, $op = NULL, RulesPlugin $element = NULL, $parameter = FALSE) {
        $element_id = isset($element) ? $element->elementId() : FALSE;
        if (isset(self::$basePath)) {
            $base_path = self::$basePath;
        else {
            $base_path = isset($element) && $element instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface ? 'admin/config/workflow/rules/reaction' : 'admin/config/workflow/rules/components';
        // Only append the '/manage' path if it is not already present.
        if (substr($base_path, -strlen('/manage')) != '/manage') {
            $base_path .= '/manage';
        return implode('/', array_filter(array(
     * Determines the default redirect target for an edited/deleted element.
     * This is a parent element which is either a rule or the configuration root.
    public static function defaultRedirect(RulesPlugin $element) {
        while (!$element->isRoot()) {
            if ($element instanceof Rule) {
                return self::path($element->root()->name, 'edit', $element);
            $element = $element->parentElement();
        return self::path($element->name);
     * @see RulesUICategory::getOptions()
    public static function getOptions($item_type, $items = NULL) {
        return RulesUICategory::getOptions($item_type, $items = NULL);
     * @param array $form
     *   The form array where to add the form.
     * @param array $form_state
     *   The current form state.
    public static function formDefaults(&$form, &$form_state) {
        form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'rules', 'ui/ui.forms');
        // Add our own css.
        $form['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'rules') . '/ui/rules.ui.css';
        // Workaround for problems with jquery css in seven theme and the core
        // autocomplete.
        if ($GLOBALS['theme'] == 'seven') {
            $form['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'rules') . '/ui/';
        // Specify the wrapper div used by #ajax.
        $form['#prefix'] = '<div id="rules-form-wrapper">';
        $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
        // Preserve the base path in the form state. The after build handler will
        // set self::$basePath again for cached forms.
        if (isset(self::$basePath)) {
            $form_state['_rules_base_path'] = RulesPluginUI::$basePath;
            $form['#after_build'][] = 'rules_form_after_build_restore_base_path';
    public static function getTags() {
        $result = db_select('rules_tags')->distinct()
            ->fields('rules_tags', array(
        return drupal_map_assoc($result);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
RulesPluginUI::$basePath public static property The base path determines where a Rules overview UI lives.
RulesPluginUI::$element protected property
RulesPluginUI::buildContent public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::buildContent 1
RulesPluginUI::defaultRedirect public static function Determines the default redirect target for an edited/deleted element.
RulesPluginUI::form public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form(). Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::form 2
RulesPluginUI::formDefaults public static function
RulesPluginUI::form_extract_values public function Applies the values of the form to the element. 2
RulesPluginUI::form_submit public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::form_submit
RulesPluginUI::form_validate public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::form_validate 2
RulesPluginUI::getDataTypeClass public function Returns the name of class for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues public static function Returns the state values for $form, possibly only a part of the whole form.
RulesPluginUI::getOptions public static function
RulesPluginUI::getParameterForm protected function Actually generates the parameter form for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getTags public static function
RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm public function Returns the form for configuring the info of a single variable.
RulesPluginUI::help public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::help
RulesPluginUI::operations public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::operations 1
RulesPluginUI::overviewTable public static function Deprecated by the controllers overviewTable() method.
RulesPluginUI::path public static function Generates an operation path.
RulesPluginUI::settingsForm public function Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ...). 1
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormExtractValues public function 1
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormPermissionMatrix protected function Provides a matrix permission for the component based in the existing roles.
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormSubmit public function
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormValidate public function
RulesPluginUI::__construct public function Provide $this-&gt;element to make the code more meaningful. 1