function hook_rules_action_info

Define rules compatible actions.

This hook is required in order to add a new rules action. It should be placed into the file, which gets automatically included when the hook is invoked.

However, as an alternative to implementing this hook, class based plugin handlers may be provided by implementing RulesActionHandlerInterface. See the interface for details.

Return value

array An array of information about the module's provided rules actions. The array contains a sub-array for each action, with the action name as the key. Actions names may only contain lowercase alpha-numeric characters and underscores and should be prefixed with the providing module name. Possible attributes for each sub-array are:

  • label: The label of the action. Start capitalized. Required.
  • group: A group for this element, used for grouping the actions in the interface. Should start with a capital letter and be translated. Required.
  • parameter: (optional) An array describing all parameter of the action with the parameter's name as key. Each parameter has to be described by a sub-array with possible attributes as described afterwards, whereas the name of a parameter needs to be a lowercase, valid PHP variable name.
  • provides: (optional) An array describing the variables the action provides to the evaluation state with the variable name as key. Each variable has to be described by a sub-array with possible attributes as described afterwards, whereas the name of a parameter needs to be a lowercase, valid PHP variable name.
  • 'named parameter': (optional) If set to TRUE, the arguments will be passed as a single array with the parameter names as keys. This emulates named parameters in PHP and is in particular useful if the number of parameters can vary. Defaults to FALSE.
  • base: (optional) The base for action implementation callbacks to use instead of the action's name. Defaults to the action name.
  • callbacks: (optional) An array which allows to set specific function callbacks for the action. The default for each callback is the actions base appended by '_' and the callback name.
  • 'access callback': (optional) A callback which has to return whether the currently logged in user is allowed to configure this action. See rules_node_integration_access() for an example callback.

Each 'parameter' array may contain the following properties:

  • label: The label of the parameter. Start capitalized. Required.
  • type: The rules data type of the parameter, which is to be passed to the action. All types declared in hook_rules_data_info() may be specified, as well as an array of possible types. Also lists and lists of a given type can be specified by using the notating list<integer> as introduced by the entity metadata module, see hook_entity_property_info(). The special keyword '*' can be used when all types should be allowed. Required.
  • bundles: (optional) An array of bundle names. When the specified type is set to a single entity type, this may be used to restrict the allowed bundles.
  • description: (optional) If necessary, a further description of the parameter.
  • options list: (optional) A callback that returns an array of possible values for this parameter. The callback has to return an array as used by hook_options_list(). For an example implementation see rules_data_action_type_options().
  • save: (optional) If this is set to TRUE, the parameter will be saved by rules when the rules evaluation ends. This is only supported for saveable data types. If the action returns FALSE, saving is skipped.
  • optional: (optional) May be set to TRUE, when the parameter isn't required.
  • 'default value': (optional) The value to pass to the action, in case the parameter is optional and there is no specified value.
  • 'allow null': (optional) Usually Rules will not pass any NULL values as argument, but abort the evaluation if a NULL value is present. If set to TRUE, Rules will not abort and pass the NULL value through. Defaults to FALSE.
  • restriction: (optional) Restrict how the argument for this parameter may be provided. Supported values are 'selector' and 'input'.
  • default mode: (optional) Customize the default mode for providing the argument value for a parameter. Supported values are 'selector' and 'input'. The default depends on the required data type.
  • sanitize: (optional) Allows parameters of type 'text' to demand an already sanitized argument. If enabled, any user specified value won't be sanitized itself, but replacements applied by input evaluators are as well as values retrieved from selected data sources.
  • translatable: (optional) If set to TRUE, the provided argument value of the parameter is translatable via i18n String translation. This is applicable for textual parameters only, i.e. parameters of type 'text', 'token', 'list<text>' and 'list<token>'. Defaults to FALSE.
  • ui class: (optional) Allows overriding the UI class, which is used to generate the configuration UI of a parameter. Defaults to the UI class of the specified data type.
  • cleaning callback: (optional) A callback that input evaluators may use to clean inserted replacements; e.g. this is used by the token evaluator.
  • wrapped: (optional) Set this to TRUE in case the data should be passed wrapped. This only applies to wrapped data types, e.g. entities.

Each 'provides' array may contain the following properties:

  • label: The label of the variable. Start capitalized. Required.
  • type: The rules data type of the variable. All types declared in hook_rules_data_info() may be specified. Types may be parametrized e.g. the types node<page> or list<integer> are valid.
  • save: (optional) If this is set to TRUE, the provided variable is saved by rules when the rules evaluation ends. Only possible for saveable data types. Defaults to FALSE.

The module has to provide an implementation for each action, being a function named as specified in the 'base' key or for the execution callback. All other possible callbacks are optional. Supported action callbacks by rules are defined and documented in the RulesPluginImplInterface. However any module may extend the action plugin based upon a defined interface using hook_rules_plugin_info(). All methods defined in those interfaces can be overridden by the action implementation. The callback implementations for those interfaces may reside in any file specified in hook_rules_file_info().

See also





Related topics

4 functions implement hook_rules_action_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

rules_i18n_rules_action_info in rules_i18n/
Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_rules_action_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_scheduler_rules_action_info in rules_scheduler/
Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_test_rules_action_info in tests/
Implements hook_rules_action_info().


./rules.api.php, line 141


function hook_rules_action_info() {
    return array(
        'mail_user' => array(
            'label' => t('Send a mail to a user'),
            'parameter' => array(
                'user' => array(
                    'type' => 'user',
                    'label' => t('Recipient'),
            'group' => t('System'),
            'base' => 'rules_action_mail_user',
            'callbacks' => array(
                'validate' => 'rules_action_custom_validation',
                'help' => 'rules_mail_help',