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  1. # This filter format is a copy of the 'restricted_html' filter format that is
  2. # bundled with Drupal core's 'standard' installation profile. It will be
  3. # installed when Rules is enabled if and only if it does not already exist, and
  4. # will be uninstalled when Rules is uninstalled.
  5. langcode: en
  6. status: true
  7. dependencies:
  8. module:
  9. - filter
  10. - rules
  11. enforced:
  12. module:
  13. - filter
  14. - rules
  15. name: 'Restricted HTML'
  16. format: restricted_html
  17. weight: 1
  18. roles:
  19. - anonymous
  20. filters:
  21. filter_html:
  22. id: filter_html
  23. provider: filter
  24. status: true
  25. weight: -10
  26. settings:
  27. allowed_html: '<a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id>'
  28. filter_html_help: true
  29. filter_html_nofollow: false
  30. filter_autop:
  31. id: filter_autop
  32. provider: filter
  33. status: true
  34. weight: 0
  35. settings: { }
  36. filter_url:
  37. id: filter_url
  38. provider: filter
  39. status: true
  40. weight: 0
  41. settings:
  42. filter_url_length: 72