function _xmlrpc_example_server_add

This is the callback for the xmlrpc_example.add method.

Sum the two arguments and return value or an error if the result is out of the configured limits.


int|float $num1: The first number to be summed.

int|float $num2: The second number to be summed.

Return value

int|float The sum of the arguments, or error if it is not in server defined bounds.

See also


Related topics

1 string reference to '_xmlrpc_example_server_add'
xmlrpc_example_xmlrpc in xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module
Implements hook_xmlrpc().


xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module, line 230


function _xmlrpc_example_server_add($num1, $num2) {
    $sum = $num1 + $num2;
    // If result is not within maximum and minimum limits,
    // return corresponding error.
    $max = variable_get('xmlrpc_example_server_max', 10);
    $min = variable_get('xmlrpc_example_server_min', 0);
    if ($sum > $max) {
        return xmlrpc_error(10001, t('Result is over the upper limit (@max) defined by the server.', array(
            '@max' => $max,
    if ($sum < $min) {
        return xmlrpc_error(10002, t('Result is below the lower limit defined by the server (@min).', array(
            '@min' => $min,
    // Otherwise return the result.
    return $sum;