function trigger_example_triggersomething

Trigger: triggersomething. Run actions associated with an arbitrary event.

Here pressing a button is a trigger. We have defined a custom function as a trigger (trigger_example_triggersomething). It will ask for all actions attached to the 'triggersomething' event, prepare a basic 'context' for them and run all of them. This could have been implemented by a hook implementation, but in this demonstration, it will just be called in a form's submit.

This function is executed during the submission of the example form defined in this module.


array $options: Array of arguments used to call the triggersomething function, if any.

Related topics

1 call to trigger_example_triggersomething()
trigger_example_form_submit in trigger_example/trigger_example.module
Submit handler for the trigger_example_form().


trigger_example/trigger_example.module, line 128


function trigger_example_triggersomething($options = array()) {
    // Ask the trigger module for all actions enqueued for the 'triggersomething'
    // trigger.
    $aids = trigger_get_assigned_actions('triggersomething');
    // Prepare a basic context, indicating group and "hook", and call all the
    // actions with this context as arguments.
    $context = array(
        'group' => 'trigger_example',
        'hook' => 'triggersomething',
    actions_do(array_keys($aids), (object) $options, $context);