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namespace Drupal\Tests\file_example\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Tests\examples\Functional\ExamplesBrowserTestBase;

 * Functional tests for the File Example module.
 * @ingroup file_example
 * @group file_example
 * @group examples
class FileExampleTest extends ExamplesBrowserTestBase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
     * Modules to enable.
     * @var array
    public static $modules = [
     * Test the basic File Example UI.
     * - Create a directory to work with.
     * - For each scheme create and read files using each of the three methods.
    public function testFileExampleBasic() {
        $assert = $this->assertSession();
        // Our test user needs to access some non-standard file types,
        // so we bless it accordingly.
        $permissions = [
            'use file example',
            'read private files',
            'read temporary files',
            'read session files',
        $priviledged_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions);
        $expected_text = [
            'Write managed file' => 'Saved managed file',
            'Write unmanaged file' => 'Saved file as',
            'Unmanaged using PHP' => 'Saved file as',
        // For each of the three buttons == three write types.
        $buttons = [
            'Write managed file',
            'Write unmanaged file',
            'Unmanaged using PHP',
        foreach ($buttons as $button) {
            // For each scheme supported by Drupal + the session:// wrapper,
            // which is defined in the stream_wrapper_exampnle.
            $schemes = [
            foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
                // Create a directory for use.
                $dirname = $scheme . '://' . $this->randomMachineName(10);
                // Directory does not yet exist; assert that.
                $edit = [
                    'directory_name' => $dirname,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if directory exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('Directory @dirname does not exist', [
                    '@dirname' => $dirname,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Create directory');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('Directory @dirname is ready for use', [
                    '@dirname' => $dirname,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if directory exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('Directory @dirname exists', [
                    '@dirname' => $dirname,
                // Create a file in the directory we created.
                $content = $this->randomMachineName(30);
                $filename = $dirname . '/' . $this->randomMachineName(30) . '.txt';
                // Assert that the file we're about to create does not yet exist.
                $edit = [
                    'fileops_file' => $filename,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if file exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('The file @filename does not exist', [
                    '@filename' => $filename,
                dump("Processing button={$button}, scheme={$scheme}, dir={$dirname}, file={$filename}");
                $edit = [
                    'write_contents' => $content,
                    'destination' => $filename,
                $this->submitForm($edit, $button);
                // Capture the name of the output file, as it might have changed due
                // to file renaming.
                $element = $this->xpath('//span[@id="uri"]');
                $output_filename = (string) $element[0]->getText();
                // Click the link provided that is an easy way to get the data for
                // checking and make sure that the data we put in is what we get out.
                if (!in_array($scheme, [])) {
                    $this->clickLink('this URL');
                    // assertText give sketchy answers when the content is *exactly* the
                    // contents of the buffer, so let's do something less fragile.
                    // $this->assertText($content);
                    $buffer = $this->getSession()
                    $this->assertEquals($content, $buffer);
                // Verify that the file exists.
                $edit = [
                    'fileops_file' => $filename,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if file exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains("The file {$filename} exists");
                // Now read the file that got written above and verify that we can use
                // the writing tools.
                $edit = [
                    'fileops_file' => $output_filename,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Read the file and store it locally');
                $assert->pageTextContains('The file was read and copied');
                $edit = [
                    'fileops_file' => $filename,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Delete file');
                $assert->pageTextContains('Successfully deleted');
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if file exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('The file @filename does not exist', [
                    '@filename' => $filename,
                $edit = [
                    'directory_name' => $dirname,
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Delete directory');
                $this->submitForm($edit, 'Check to see if directory exists');
                $assert->pageTextContains((string) new FormattableMarkup('Directory @dirname does not exist', [
                    '@dirname' => $dirname,



Title Deprecated Summary
FileExampleTest Functional tests for the File Example module.