
Same filename in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/dbtng_example/src/DbtngExampleRepository.php





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namespace Drupal\dbtng_example;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerTrait;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface;

 * Repository for database-related helper methods for our example.
 * This repository is a service named 'dbtng_example.repository'. You can see
 * how the service is defined in dbtng_example/dbtng_example.services.yml.
 * For projects where there are many specialized queries, it can be useful to
 * group them into 'repositories' of queries. We can also architect this
 * repository to be a service, so that it gathers the database connections it
 * needs. This way other classes which use the repository don't need to concern
 * themselves with database connections, only with business logic.
 * This repository demonstrates basic CRUD behaviors, and also has an advanced
 * query which performs a join with the user table.
 * @ingroup dbtng_example
class DbtngExampleRepository {
    use MessengerTrait;
    use StringTranslationTrait;
     * The database connection.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
    protected $connection;
     * Construct a repository object.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
     *   The database connection.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface $translation
     *   The translation service.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
     *   The messenger service.
    public function __construct(Connection $connection, TranslationInterface $translation, MessengerInterface $messenger) {
        $this->connection = $connection;
     * Save an entry in the database.
     * Exception handling is shown in this example. It could be simplified
     * without the try/catch blocks, but since an insert will throw an exception
     * and terminate your application if the exception is not handled, it is best
     * to employ try/catch.
     * @param array $entry
     *   An array containing all the fields of the database record.
     * @return int
     *   The number of updated rows.
     * @throws \Exception
     *   When the database insert fails.
    public function insert(array $entry) {
        try {
            $return_value = $this->connection
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
                ->addMessage($this->t('Insert failed. Message = %message', [
                '%message' => $e->getMessage(),
            ]), 'error');
        return $return_value ?? NULL;
     * Update an entry in the database.
     * @param array $entry
     *   An array containing all the fields of the item to be updated.
     * @return int
     *   The number of updated rows.
    public function update(array $entry) {
        try {
            // Connection->update()...->execute() returns the number of rows updated.
            $count = $this->connection
                ->condition('pid', $entry['pid'])
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
                ->addMessage($this->t('Update failed. Message = %message, query= %query', [
                '%message' => $e->getMessage(),
                '%query' => $e->query_string,
            ]), 'error');
        return $count ?? 0;
     * Delete an entry from the database.
     * @param array $entry
     *   An array containing at least the person identifier 'pid' element of the
     *   entry to delete.
     * @see Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::delete()
    public function delete(array $entry) {
            ->condition('pid', $entry['pid'])
     * Read from the database using a filter array.
     * The standard function to perform reads for static queries is
     * Connection::query().
     * Connection::query() uses an SQL query with placeholders and arguments as
     * parameters.
     * Drupal DBTNG provides an abstracted interface that will work with a wide
     * variety of database engines.
     * The following is a query which uses a string literal SQL query. The
     * placeholders will be substituted with the values in the array. Placeholders
     * are marked with a colon ':'. Table names are marked with braces, so that
     * Drupal's' multisite feature can add prefixes as needed.
     * @code
     *   // SELECT * FROM {dbtng_example} WHERE uid = 0 AND name = 'John'
     *   \Drupal::database()->query(
     *     "SELECT * FROM {dbtng_example} WHERE uid = :uid and name = :name",
     *     [':uid' => 0, ':name' => 'John']
     *   )->execute();
     * @endcode
     * For more dynamic queries, Drupal provides Connection::select() API method,
     * so there are several ways to perform the same SQL query. See the
     * @link http://drupal.org/node/310075 handbook page on dynamic queries. @endlink
     * @code
     *   // SELECT * FROM {dbtng_example} WHERE uid = 0 AND name = 'John'
     *   \Drupal::database()->select('dbtng_example')
     *     ->fields('dbtng_example')
     *     ->condition('uid', 0)
     *     ->condition('name', 'John')
     *     ->execute();
     * @endcode
     * Here is select() with named placeholders:
     * @code
     *   // SELECT * FROM {dbtng_example} WHERE uid = 0 AND name = 'John'
     *   $arguments = array(':name' => 'John', ':uid' => 0);
     *   \Drupal::database()->select('dbtng_example')
     *     ->fields('dbtng_example')
     *     ->where('uid = :uid AND name = :name', $arguments)
     *     ->execute();
     * @endcode
     * Conditions are stacked and evaluated as AND and OR depending on the type of
     * query. For more information, read the conditional queries handbook page at:
     * http://drupal.org/node/310086
     * The condition argument is an 'equal' evaluation by default, but this can be
     * altered:
     * @code
     *   // SELECT * FROM {dbtng_example} WHERE age > 18
     *   \Drupal::database()->select('dbtng_example')
     *     ->fields('dbtng_example')
     *     ->condition('age', 18, '>')
     *     ->execute();
     * @endcode
     * @param array $entry
     *   An array containing all the fields used to search the entries in the
     *   table.
     * @return object
     *   An object containing the loaded entries if found.
     * @see Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::select()
    public function load(array $entry = []) {
        // Read all the fields from the dbtng_example table.
        $select = $this->connection
        // Add each field and value as a condition to this query.
        foreach ($entry as $field => $value) {
            $select->condition($field, $value);
        // Return the result in object format.
        return $select->execute()
     * Load dbtng_example records joined with user records.
     * DBTNG also helps processing queries that return several rows, providing the
     * found objects in the same query execution call.
     * This function queries the database using a JOIN between users table and the
     * example entries, to provide the username that created the entry, and
     * creates a table with the results, processing each row.
     * SELECT
     *  e.pid as pid, e.name as name, e.surname as surname, e.age as age
     *  u.name as username
     * FROM
     *  {dbtng_example} e
     * JOIN
     *  users u ON e.uid = u.uid
     * WHERE
     *  e.name = 'John' AND e.age > 18
     * @see Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::select()
     * @see http://drupal.org/node/310075
    public function advancedLoad() {
        // Get a select query for our dbtng_example table. We supply an alias of e
        // (for 'example').
        $select = $this->connection
            ->select('dbtng_example', 'e');
        // Join the users table, so we can get the entry creator's username.
        $select->join('users_field_data', 'u', 'e.uid = u.uid');
        // Select these specific fields for the output.
        $select->addField('e', 'pid');
        $select->addField('u', 'name', 'username');
        $select->addField('e', 'name');
        $select->addField('e', 'surname');
        $select->addField('e', 'age');
        // Filter only persons named "John".
        $select->condition('e.name', 'John');
        // Filter only persons older than 18 years.
        $select->condition('e.age', 18, '>');
        // Make sure we only get items 0-49, for scalability reasons.
        $select->range(0, 50);
        $entries = $select->execute()
        return $entries;



Title Deprecated Summary
DbtngExampleRepository Repository for database-related helper methods for our example.