function dbtng_example_render_resultset_as_table

This function renders a resultset as table

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1 call to dbtng_example_render_resultset_as_table()
dbtng_example_grouping_list in dbtng_example/dbtng_example.module
This function groups the result set by the specified field and render a list of entries in the database


dbtng_example/dbtng_example.module, line 658


function dbtng_example_render_resultset_as_table($result) {
    $rows = array();
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            // Sanitize the data before handing it off to the theme layer.
            $rows[] = array_map('check_plain', (array) $row);
    return dbtng_example_convert_resultset_to_table_render_array($rows);