function dbtng_example_entry_insert

Save an entry in the database.

The underlying DBTNG function is db_insert().

In Drupal 6, this would have been:

db_query("INSERT INTO {dbtng_example} (name, surname, age)\n      VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d')", $entry['name'], $entry['surname'], $entry['age']);

Exception handling is shown in this example. It could be simplified without the try/catch blocks, but since an insert will throw an exception and terminate your application if the exception is not handled, it is best to employ try/catch.


array $entry: An array containing all the fields of the database record.

See also


Related topics

2 calls to dbtng_example_entry_insert()
DBTNGExampleUnitTestCase::testAPIExamples in dbtng_example/dbtng_example.test
Test several combinations, adding entries, updating and deleting.
dbtng_example_form_add_submit in dbtng_example/dbtng_example.module
Submit handler for 'add entry' form.


dbtng_example/dbtng_example.module, line 96


function dbtng_example_entry_insert($entry) {
    $return_value = NULL;
    try {
        $return_value = db_insert('dbtng_example')->fields($entry)
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        drupal_set_message(t('db_insert failed. Message = %message, query= %query', array(
            '%message' => $e->getMessage(),
            '%query' => $e->query_string,
        )), 'error');
    return $return_value;