function block_example_contents

A module-defined block content function.

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1 call to block_example_contents()
block_example_block_view in block_example/block_example.module
Implements hook_block_view().


block_example/block_example.module, line 160


function block_example_contents($which_block) {
    switch ($which_block) {
        case 'example_configurable_text':
            // Modules would typically perform some database queries to fetch the
            // content for their blocks. Here, we'll just use the variable set in the
            // block configuration or, if none has set, a default value.
            // Block content can be returned in two formats: renderable arrays
            // (as here) are preferred though a simple string will work as well.
            // Block content created through the UI defaults to a string.
            $result = array(
                '#markup' => variable_get('block_example_string', t('A default value. This block was created at %time', array(
                    '%time' => date('c'),
            return $result;
        case 'example_empty':
            // It is possible that a block not have any content, since it is
            // probably dynamically constructed. In this case, Drupal will not display
            // the block at all. This block will not be displayed.