function system_list

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/includes/ \system_list()

Builds a list of bootstrap modules and enabled modules and themes.


$type: The type of list to return:

  • module_enabled: All enabled modules.
  • bootstrap: All enabled modules required for bootstrap.
  • theme: All themes.

Return value

An associative array of modules or themes, keyed by name. For $type 'bootstrap', the array values equal the keys. For $type 'module_enabled' or 'theme', the array values are objects representing the respective database row, with the 'info' property already unserialized.

See also



4 calls to system_list()
list_themes in includes/
Returns a list of all currently available themes.
module_list in includes/
Returns a list of currently active modules.
SystemInfoAlterTestCase::testSystemInfoAlter in modules/system/system.test
Tests that {system}.info is rebuilt after a module that implements hook_system_info_alter() is enabled. Also tests if core *_list() functions return freshly altered info.
system_get_info in modules/system/system.module
Returns an array of information about enabled modules or themes.
4 string references to 'system_list'
module_list in includes/
Returns a list of currently active modules.
system_list_reset in includes/
Resets all system_list() caches.
system_update_7062 in modules/system/system.install
Replace 'system_list' index with 'bootstrap' index on {system}.
update_fix_d7_requirements in includes/
Perform Drupal 6.x to 7.x updates that are required for update.php to function properly.


includes/, line 122


function system_list($type) {
    $lists =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    // For bootstrap modules, attempt to fetch the list from cache if possible.
    // if not fetch only the required information to fire bootstrap hooks
    // in case we are going to serve the page from cache.
    if ($type == 'bootstrap') {
        if (isset($lists['bootstrap'])) {
            return $lists['bootstrap'];
        if ($cached = cache_get('bootstrap_modules', 'cache_bootstrap')) {
            $bootstrap_list = $cached->data;
        else {
            $bootstrap_list = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE status = 1 AND bootstrap = 1 AND type = 'module' ORDER BY weight ASC, name ASC")->fetchAllAssoc('name');
            cache_set('bootstrap_modules', $bootstrap_list, 'cache_bootstrap');
        // To avoid a separate database lookup for the filepath, prime the
        // drupal_get_filename() static cache for bootstrap modules only.
        // The rest is stored separately to keep the bootstrap module cache small.
        foreach ($bootstrap_list as $module) {
            drupal_get_filename('module', $module->name, $module->filename);
        // Only return module names here since module_list() doesn't need the
        // filename itself. Don't use drupal_map_assoc() as that requires
        $list = array_keys($bootstrap_list);
        $lists['bootstrap'] = !empty($list) ? array_combine($list, $list) : array();
    elseif (!isset($lists['module_enabled'])) {
        if ($cached = cache_get('system_list', 'cache_bootstrap')) {
            $lists = $cached->data;
        else {
            $lists = array(
                'module_enabled' => array(),
                'theme' => array(),
                'filepaths' => array(),
            // The module name (rather than the filename) is used as the fallback
            // weighting in order to guarantee consistent behavior across different
            // Drupal installations, which might have modules installed in different
            // locations in the file system. The ordering here must also be
            // consistent with the one used in module_implements().
            $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {system} WHERE type = 'theme' OR (type = 'module' AND status = 1) ORDER BY weight ASC, name ASC");
            foreach ($result as $record) {
                $record->info = unserialize($record->info);
                // Build a list of all enabled modules.
                if ($record->type == 'module') {
                    $lists['module_enabled'][$record->name] = $record;
                // Build a list of themes.
                if ($record->type == 'theme') {
                    $lists['theme'][$record->name] = $record;
                // Build a list of filenames so drupal_get_filename can use it.
                if ($record->status) {
                    $lists['filepaths'][] = array(
                        'type' => $record->type,
                        'name' => $record->name,
                        'filepath' => $record->filename,
            foreach ($lists['theme'] as $key => $theme) {
                if (!empty($theme->info['base theme'])) {
                    // Make a list of the theme's base themes.
                    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
                    $lists['theme'][$key]->base_themes = drupal_find_base_themes($lists['theme'], $key);
                    // Don't proceed if there was a problem with the root base theme.
                    if (!current($lists['theme'][$key]->base_themes)) {
                    // Determine the root base theme.
                    $base_key = key($lists['theme'][$key]->base_themes);
                    // Add to the list of sub-themes for each of the theme's base themes.
                    foreach (array_keys($lists['theme'][$key]->base_themes) as $base_theme) {
                        $lists['theme'][$base_theme]->sub_themes[$key] = $lists['theme'][$key]->info['name'];
                    // Add the base theme's theme engine info.
                    $lists['theme'][$key]->info['engine'] = isset($lists['theme'][$base_key]->info['engine']) ? $lists['theme'][$base_key]->info['engine'] : 'theme';
                else {
                    // A plain theme is its own engine.
                    $base_key = $key;
                    if (!isset($lists['theme'][$key]->info['engine'])) {
                        $lists['theme'][$key]->info['engine'] = 'theme';
                // Set the theme engine prefix.
                $lists['theme'][$key]->prefix = $lists['theme'][$key]->info['engine'] == 'theme' ? $base_key : $lists['theme'][$key]->info['engine'];
            cache_set('system_list', $lists, 'cache_bootstrap');
        // To avoid a separate database lookup for the filepath, prime the
        // drupal_get_filename() static cache with all enabled modules and themes.
        foreach ($lists['filepaths'] as $item) {
            drupal_get_filename($item['type'], $item['name'], $item['filepath']);
    return $lists[$type];

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