80 calls to BrowserTestBase::config()
- ActionConfigTest::testUpdateActionPlugins in core/
modules/ action/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ ActionConfigTest.php - Tests upgrading action settings.
- AjaxFormPageCacheTest::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ FunctionalJavascriptTests/ Ajax/ AjaxFormPageCacheTest.php - BasicAuthTest::testBasicAuth in core/
modules/ basic_auth/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BasicAuthTest.php - Test http basic authentication.
- BlockContentTypeTest::testsBlockContentAddTypes in core/
modules/ block_content/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockContentTypeTest.php - Tests that redirects work as expected when multiple block types exist.
- BlockTest::testBlockCacheTags in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockTest.php - Test that cache tags are properly set and bubbled up to the page cache.
- BlockTest::testBlockThemeSelector in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockTest.php - Tests that the block form has a theme selector when not passed via the URL.
- BlockUiTest::testBlockPlacementIndicator in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockUiTest.php - Tests the block placement indicator.
- ColorTest::_testColor in core/
modules/ color/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ColorTest.php - Tests the Color module functionality using the given theme.
- CommentUpdateTest::testCommentUpdate8101 in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ CommentUpdateTest.php - Tests comment_update_8200().
- ConfigImportAllTest::testInstallUninstall in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ConfigImportAllTest.php - Tests that a fixed set of modules can be installed and uninstalled.
- ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest::testInstallProfileConfigOverwrite in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ConfigInstallProfileOverrideTest.php - Tests install profile config changes.
- ConfigInstallWebTest::testIntegrationModuleReinstallation in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ConfigInstallWebTest.php - Tests module re-installation.
- ConfigOtherModuleTest::testInstallOtherModuleFirst in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ConfigOtherModuleTest.php - Tests enabling the provider of the default configuration first.
- ContactPersonalTest::testAdminContact in core/
modules/ contact/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContactPersonalTest.php - Tests the personal contact form based access when an admin adds users.
- ContactPersonalTest::testSendPersonalContactMessage in core/
modules/ contact/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContactPersonalTest.php - Tests that mails for contact messages are correctly sent.
- ContactStorageTest::testContactStorage in core/
modules/ contact/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContactStorageTest.php - Tests configuration options and the site-wide contact form.
- CreateHalSettingsForLinkDomainUpdateTest::testHalSettingsCreated in core/
modules/ hal/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ CreateHalSettingsForLinkDomainUpdateTest.php - Tests hal_update_8301().
- DisplayTest::testInvalidDisplayPlugins in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Plugin/ DisplayTest.php - Tests invalid display plugins.
- EntityReferenceFieldDefaultValueTest::testEntityReferenceDefaultValue in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Functional/ EntityReference/ EntityReferenceFieldDefaultValueTest.php - Tests that default values are correctly translated to UUIDs in config.
- EntityResourcePermissionsUpdateTest::testBcEntityResourcePermissionSettingAdded in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ EntityResourcePermissionsUpdateTest.php - Tests rest_update_8203().
- ErrorHandlerTest::testErrorHandler in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ System/ ErrorHandlerTest.php - Test the error handler.
- FieldUpdateTest::testEntityReferenceFieldConfigCleanUpdate in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ FieldUpdateTest.php - Tests field_post_update_remove_handler_submit_setting().
- FormStoragePageCacheTest::setUp in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Form/ FormStoragePageCacheTest.php - GlossaryViewTest::testGlossaryLanguagePrefix in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ GlossaryViewTest.php - Test that the glossary also works on a language prefixed URL.
- LanguageConfigSchemaTest::testValidLanguageConfigSchema in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LanguageConfigSchemaTest.php - Tests whether the language config schema is valid.
- LanguageNegotiationContentEntityTest::testEnabledLanguageContentNegotiator in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LanguageNegotiationContentEntityTest.php - Tests enabling the language negotiator language_content_entity.
- LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest::testContentCustomization in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest.php - Tests persistence of negotiation settings for the content language type.
- LayoutBuilderFieldBlockEntityReferenceCacheTagsTest::setUp in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LayoutBuilderFieldBlockEntityReferenceCacheTagsTest.php - LocaleImportFunctionalTest::testStandalonePoFile in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleImportFunctionalTest.php - Test import of standalone .po files.
- LocaleTranslationUiTest::testJavaScriptTranslation in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleTranslationUiTest.php - Adds a language and checks that the JavaScript translation files are properly created and rebuilt on deletion.
- LocaleUpdateBase::setTranslationFiles in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateBase.php - Setup the environment containing local and remote translation files.
- LocaleUpdateTest::testUpdateCheckStatus in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateTest.php - Checks if local or remote translation sources are detected.
- LocaleUpdateTest::testUpdateImportModeNonCustomized in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateTest.php - Tests translation import and only overwrite non-customized translations.
- LocaleUpdateTest::testUpdateImportModeNone in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateTest.php - Tests translation import and don't overwrite any translation.
- LocaleUpdateTest::testUpdateImportSourceLocal in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateTest.php - Tests translation import from local sources.
- LocaleUpdateTest::testUpdateImportSourceRemote in core/
modules/ locale/ tests/ src/ Functional/ LocaleUpdateTest.php - Tests translation import from remote sources.
- MediaLibraryUpdateViewLangcodeFiltersTest::testMediaLibraryViewStatusExtraFilter in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateViewLangcodeFiltersTest.php - Tests that the langcode filters are added to the media library view.
- MediaLibraryUpdateViewPageDisplayEditDeleteLinkTest::testMediaLibraryViewsConfig in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateViewPageDisplayEditDeleteLinkTest.php - Tests that the media library view config is updated.
- MediaLibraryUpdateViewStatusExtraFilterTest::testMediaLibraryViewStatusExtraFilter in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateViewStatusExtraFilterTest.php - Tests that the status extra filter is added to the media library view.
- MediaLibraryUpdateViewTableDisplayTest::testMediaLibraryChangedViewTableDisplay in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateViewTableDisplayTest.php - Tests the views config update when the widget display is overridden.
- MediaLibraryUpdateViewTableDisplayTest::testMediaLibraryViewTableDisplay in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateViewTableDisplayTest.php - Tests the widget_table display is added to the views config.
- MediaLibraryUpdateWidgetViewTest::testMediaLibraryViewsConfig in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaLibraryUpdateWidgetViewTest.php - Tests that the media library view config is updated.
- MediaUpdateTest::testMediaViewStatusExtraFilter in core/
modules/ media/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaUpdateTest.php - Tests that the status extra filter is added to the media view.
- MediaUpdateTest::testOEmbedConfig in core/
modules/ media/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MediaUpdateTest.php - Tests that media.settings config is updated with oEmbed configuration.
- MigrateLinkDomainSettingFromRestToHalUpdateTest::testLinkDomainMigratedFromRestSettingsToHalSettings in core/
modules/ hal/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ MigrateLinkDomainSettingFromRestToHalUpdateTest.php - Tests hal_update_8301().
- NodeLanguageTest::testLanguages in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ NodeLanguageTest.php - Tests translation language filter, field, and sort.
- NodeLanguageTest::testNativeLanguageField in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ NodeLanguageTest.php - Tests native name display in language field.
- NumericFormatPluralTest::testNumericFormatPlural in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Plugin/ NumericFormatPluralTest.php - Test plural formatting setting on a numeric views handler.
- PageCacheTagsTestBase::setUp in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Cache/ PageCacheTagsTestBase.php - PageCacheTest::testCacheableResponseResponses in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests cacheability of a CacheableResponse.
- PageCacheTest::testCacheableWithCustomCacheControl in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Test a cacheable response with custom cache control.
- PageCacheTest::testConditionalRequests in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests support of requests with If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCache in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests cache headers.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheAnonymousRolePermissions in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests the automatic presence of the anonymous role's cache tag.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheTags in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Test that cache tags are properly persisted.
- PageCacheTest::testPageCacheWithoutVaryCookie in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests the omit_vary_cookie setting.
- PageCacheTest::testQueryParameterFormatRequests in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests support for different cache items with different request formats specified via a query parameter.
- ReadOnlyModeUpdateTest::testBcReadOnlyModeSettingAdded in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ ReadOnlyModeUpdateTest.php - Tests jsonapi_update_8701().
- ResponsiveImageUpdateTest::testPostUpdateDependency in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ ResponsiveImageUpdateTest.php - Tests post-update responsive_image_post_update_dependency().
- RestConfigurationEntitiesUpdateTest::testResourcesConvertedToConfigEntities in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ RestConfigurationEntitiesUpdateTest.php - Tests rest_update_8201().
- RestRegisterUserTest::testRegisterUser in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ RestRegisterUserTest.php - Tests that only anonymous users can register users.
- SaveUploadFormTest::testHandleDangerousFile in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Functional/ SaveUploadFormTest.php - Tests dangerous file handling.
- SaveUploadTest::testHandleDangerousFile in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Functional/ SaveUploadTest.php - Test dangerous file handling.
- SessionTest::testEmptyAnonymousSession in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Session/ SessionTest.php - Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
- StandardTest::testStandard in core/
profiles/ standard/ tests/ src/ Functional/ StandardTest.php - Tests Standard installation profile.
- StatisticsAdminTest::testStatisticsSettings in core/
modules/ statistics/ tests/ src/ Functional/ StatisticsAdminTest.php - Verifies that the statistics settings page works.
- SyslogUpdateTest::testSyslogSettingsFacilityDataType in core/
modules/ syslog/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ SyslogUpdateTest.php - Tests that syslog.settings.facility has been converted from string to int.
- TaxonomyParentUpdateTest::testTaxonomyUpdateParents in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Update/ TaxonomyParentUpdateTest.php - Tests taxonomy term parents update.
- ThemeTest::testCSSOverride in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Theme/ ThemeTest.php - Ensures a theme's .info.yml file is able to override a module CSS file from being added to the page.
- UpdateContribTest::testHookUpdateStatusAlter in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UpdateContribTest.php - Checks that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.
- UpdateContribTest::testUpdateShowDisabledThemes in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UpdateContribTest.php - Tests that disabled themes are only shown when desired.
- UpdateScriptTest::testRequirements in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UpdateSystem/ UpdateScriptTest.php - Tests that requirements warnings and errors are correctly displayed.
- UpdateUploadTest::testUploadModule in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UpdateUploadTest.php - Tests upload, extraction, and update of a module.
- UserAdminTest::testNotificationEmailAddress in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserAdminTest.php - Tests the alternate notification email address for user mails.
- UserAdminTest::testUserAdmin in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserAdminTest.php - Registers a user and deletes it.
- UserCreateTest::testUserAdd in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserCreateTest.php - Create a user through the administration interface and ensure that it displays in the user list.
- UserEditTest::testUserEdit in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserEditTest.php - Test user edit page.
- UserPasswordResetTest::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserPasswordResetTest.php - UserRegistrationTest::testRegistrationWithEmailVerification in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserRegistrationTest.php - UserRegistrationTest::testRegistrationWithoutEmailVerification in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserRegistrationTest.php
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