
Same filename in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntitySchemaTest.php
  2. 10 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntitySchemaTest.php
  3. 11.x core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntitySchemaTest.php





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namespace Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Entity\Traits\EntityDefinitionTestTrait;

 * Tests the default entity storage schema handler.
 * @group Entity
class EntitySchemaTest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
    use EntityDefinitionTestTrait;
     * Modules to enable.
     * @var array
    protected static $modules = [
     * The database connection used.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
    protected $database;
     * The entity field manager.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface
    protected $entityFieldManager;
     * The entity definition update manager.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManagerInterface
    protected $entityDefinitionUpdateManager;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $this->installSchema('user', [
        $this->database = $this->container
     * Tests the custom bundle field creation and deletion.
    public function testCustomFieldCreateDelete() {
        // Install the module which adds the field.
        $storage_definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldStorageDefinitions('entity_test_update');
        $this->assertNotNull($storage_definitions['custom_base_field'], 'Base field definition found.');
        $this->assertNotNull($storage_definitions['custom_bundle_field'], 'Bundle field definition found.');
        // Make sure the field schema can be created.
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\DefaultTableMapping $table_mapping */
        $table_mapping = $this->entityTypeManager
        $base_table = current($table_mapping->getTableNames());
        $base_column = current($table_mapping->getColumnNames('custom_base_field'));
            ->fieldExists($base_table, $base_column), 'Table column created');
        $table = $table_mapping->getDedicatedDataTableName($storage_definitions['custom_bundle_field']);
            ->tableExists($table), 'Table created');
        // Make sure the field schema can be deleted.
            ->fieldExists($base_table, $base_column), 'Table column dropped');
            ->tableExists($table), 'Table dropped');
     * Updates the entity type definition.
     * @param bool $alter
     *   Whether the original definition should be altered or not.
    protected function updateEntityType($alter) {
            ->set('entity_schema_update', $alter);
        $updated_entity_type = $this->getUpdatedEntityTypeDefinition($alter, $alter);
        $updated_field_storage_definitions = $this->getUpdatedFieldStorageDefinitions($alter, $alter);
            ->updateFieldableEntityType($updated_entity_type, $updated_field_storage_definitions);
     * Tests that entity schema responds to changes in the entity type definition.
    public function testEntitySchemaUpdate() {
        $storage_definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldStorageDefinitions('entity_test_update');
        $schema_handler = $this->database
        $tables = [
        $dedicated_tables = [
        // Initially only the base table and the dedicated field data table should
        // exist.
        foreach ($tables as $index => $table) {
            $this->assertEquals(!$index, $schema_handler->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
                '@table' => $table,
        $this->assertTrue($schema_handler->tableExists($dedicated_tables[0]), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
            '@table' => $table,
        // Update the entity type definition and check that the entity schema now
        // supports translations and revisions.
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $this->assertTrue($schema_handler->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
                '@table' => $table,
        foreach ($dedicated_tables as $table) {
            $this->assertTrue($schema_handler->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
                '@table' => $table,
        // Revert changes and check that the entity schema now does not support
        // neither translations nor revisions.
        foreach ($tables as $index => $table) {
            $this->assertEquals(!$index, $schema_handler->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
                '@table' => $table,
        $this->assertTrue($schema_handler->tableExists($dedicated_tables[0]), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
            '@table' => $table,
     * Tests deleting and creating a field that is part of a primary key.
     * @param string $entity_type_id
     *   The ID of the entity type whose schema is being tested.
     * @param string $field_name
     *   The name of the field that is being re-installed.
     * @dataProvider providerTestPrimaryKeyUpdate
    public function testPrimaryKeyUpdate($entity_type_id, $field_name) {
        // EntityKernelTestBase::setUp() already installs the schema for the
        // 'entity_test' entity type.
        if ($entity_type_id !== 'entity_test') {
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManagerInterface $update_manager */
        $update_manager = $this->container
        $entity_type = $update_manager->getEntityType($entity_type_id);
        /* @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase::baseFieldDefinitions() */
        switch ($field_name) {
            case 'id':
                $field = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')->setLabel('ID')
                    ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
            case 'revision_id':
                $field = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')->setLabel('Revision ID')
                    ->setSetting('unsigned', TRUE);
            case 'langcode':
                $field = BaseFieldDefinition::create('language')->setLabel('Language');
                if ($entity_type->isRevisionable()) {
                if ($entity_type->isTranslatable()) {
        // Build up a map of expected primary keys depending on the entity type
        // configuration.
        $id_key = $entity_type->getKey('id');
        $revision_key = $entity_type->getKey('revision');
        $langcode_key = $entity_type->getKey('langcode');
        $expected = [];
        $expected[$entity_type->getBaseTable()] = [
        if ($entity_type->isRevisionable()) {
            $expected[$entity_type->getRevisionTable()] = [
        if ($entity_type->isTranslatable()) {
            $expected[$entity_type->getDataTable()] = [
        if ($entity_type->isRevisionable() && $entity_type->isTranslatable()) {
            $expected[$entity_type->getRevisionDataTable()] = [
        // First, test explicitly deleting and re-installing a field. Make sure that
        // all primary keys are there to start with.
        $this->assertSame($expected, $this->findPrimaryKeys($entity_type));
        // Then uninstall the field and make sure all primary keys that the field
        // was part of have been updated. Since this is not a valid state of the
        // entity type (for example a revisionable entity type without a revision ID
        // field or a translatable entity type without a language code field) the
        // actual primary keys at this point are irrelevant.
        $this->assertNotEquals($expected, $this->findPrimaryKeys($entity_type));
        // Finally, reinstall the field and make sure the primary keys have been
        // recreated.
        $update_manager->installFieldStorageDefinition($field->getName(), $entity_type_id, $field->getProvider(), $field);
        $this->assertSame($expected, $this->findPrimaryKeys($entity_type));
        // Now test updating a field without data. This will end up deleting
        // and re-creating the field, similar to the code above.
        $this->assertSame($expected, $this->findPrimaryKeys($entity_type));
        // Now test updating a field with data.
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityStorageInterface $storage */
        $storage = $this->entityTypeManager
        $this->assertTrue($storage->countFieldData($field, TRUE));
        $this->assertSame($expected, $this->findPrimaryKeys($entity_type));
        $this->assertTrue($storage->countFieldData($field, TRUE));
     * Finds the primary keys for a given entity type.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_type
     *   The entity type whose primary keys are being fetched.
     * @return array[]
     *   An array where the keys are the table names of the entity type's tables
     *   and the values are a list of the respective primary keys.
    protected function findPrimaryKeys(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
        $base_table = $entity_type->getBaseTable();
        $revision_table = $entity_type->getRevisionTable();
        $data_table = $entity_type->getDataTable();
        $revision_data_table = $entity_type->getRevisionDataTable();
        $schema = $this->database
        $find_primary_key_columns = new \ReflectionMethod(get_class($schema), 'findPrimaryKeyColumns');
        // Build up a map of primary keys depending on the entity type
        // configuration. If the field that is being removed is part of a table's
        // primary key, we skip the assertion for that table as this represents an
        // intermediate and invalid state of the entity schema.
        $primary_keys[$base_table] = $find_primary_key_columns->invoke($schema, $base_table);
        if ($entity_type->isRevisionable()) {
            $primary_keys[$revision_table] = $find_primary_key_columns->invoke($schema, $revision_table);
        if ($entity_type->isTranslatable()) {
            $primary_keys[$data_table] = $find_primary_key_columns->invoke($schema, $data_table);
        if ($entity_type->isRevisionable() && $entity_type->isTranslatable()) {
            $primary_keys[$revision_data_table] = $find_primary_key_columns->invoke($schema, $revision_data_table);
        return $primary_keys;
     * Provides test cases for EntitySchemaTest::testPrimaryKeyUpdate()
     * @return array
     *   An array of test cases consisting of an entity type ID and a field name.
    public function providerTestPrimaryKeyUpdate() {
        // Build up test cases for all possible entity type configurations.
        // For each entity type we test reinstalling each field that is part of
        // any table's primary key.
        $tests = [];
        $tests['entity_test:id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_rev:id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_rev:revision_id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_mul:id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_mul:langcode'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_mulrev:id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_mulrev:revision_id'] = [
        $tests['entity_test_mulrev:langcode'] = [
        return $tests;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function refreshServices() {
        $this->database = $this->container
     * Tests that modifying the UUID field for a translatable entity works.
    public function testModifyingTranslatableColumnSchema() {
        $fields = [
        $entity_field_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
        foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
            $original_definition = $entity_field_manager->getBaseFieldDefinitions('entity_test_update')[$field_name];
            $new_definition = clone $original_definition;
            $new_definition->setLabel($original_definition->getLabel() . ', the other one');
                ->requiresFieldDataMigration($new_definition, $original_definition));
     * Tests fields from an uninstalled module are removed from the schema.
    public function testCleanUpStorageDefinition() {
        // Find all the entity types provided by the entity_test module and install
        // the schema for them.
        $entity_type_ids = [];
        $entities = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getDefinitions();
        foreach ($entities as $entity_type_id => $definition) {
            if ($definition->getProvider() == 'entity_test') {
                $entity_type_ids[] = $entity_type_id;
        // Get a list of all the entities in the schema.
        $key_value_store = \Drupal::keyValue('entity.storage_schema.sql');
        $schema = $key_value_store->getAll();
        // Count the storage definitions provided by the entity_test module, so that
        // after uninstall we can be sure there were some to be deleted.
        $entity_type_id_count = 0;
        foreach (array_keys($schema) as $storage_definition_name) {
            ] = explode('.', $storage_definition_name);
            if (in_array($entity_type_id, $entity_type_ids)) {
        // Ensure that there are storage definitions from the entity_test module.
        $this->assertNotEquals(0, $entity_type_id_count, 'There are storage definitions provided by the entity_test module in the schema.');
        // Uninstall the entity_test module.
        // Get a list of all the entities in the schema.
        $key_value_store = \Drupal::keyValue('entity.storage_schema.sql');
        $schema = $key_value_store->getAll();
        // Count the storage definitions that come from entity types provided by
        // the entity_test module.
        $entity_type_id_count = 0;
        foreach (array_keys($schema) as $storage_definition_name) {
            ] = explode('.', $storage_definition_name);
            if (in_array($entity_type_id, $entity_type_ids)) {
        // Ensure that all storage definitions have been removed from the schema.
        $this->assertEquals(0, $entity_type_id_count, 'After uninstalling entity_test module the schema should not contains fields from entities provided by the module.');
     * Tests the installed storage schema for identifier fields.
    public function testIdentifierSchema() {
        $key_value_store = \Drupal::keyValue('entity.storage_schema.sql');
        $id_schema = $key_value_store->get('entity_test_rev.field_schema_data.id', []);
        $revision_id_schema = $key_value_store->get('entity_test_rev.field_schema_data.revision_id', []);
        $expected_id_schema = [
            'entity_test_rev' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'id' => [
                        'type' => 'serial',
                        'unsigned' => TRUE,
                        'size' => 'normal',
                        'not null' => TRUE,
            'entity_test_rev_revision' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'id' => [
                        'type' => 'int',
                        'unsigned' => TRUE,
                        'size' => 'normal',
                        'not null' => TRUE,
        $this->assertEquals($expected_id_schema, $id_schema);
        $expected_revision_id_schema = [
            'entity_test_rev' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'revision_id' => [
                        'type' => 'int',
                        'unsigned' => TRUE,
                        'size' => 'normal',
                        'not null' => FALSE,
            'entity_test_rev_revision' => [
                'fields' => [
                    'revision_id' => [
                        'type' => 'serial',
                        'unsigned' => TRUE,
                        'size' => 'normal',
                        'not null' => TRUE,
        $this->assertEquals($expected_revision_id_schema, $revision_id_schema);



Title Deprecated Summary
EntitySchemaTest Tests the default entity storage schema handler.

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