
Same filename in other branches
  1. 10 core/profiles/standard/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/StandardPerformanceTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\standard\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\PerformanceTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;

 * Tests the performance of basic functionality in the standard profile.
 * Stark is used as the default theme so that this test is not Olivero specific.
 * @group Common
 * @group #slow
 * @requires extension apcu
class StandardPerformanceTest extends PerformanceTestBase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $profile = 'standard';
     * The user account created during testing.
    protected ?UserInterface $user = NULL;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        // Create a node to be shown on the front page.
            'type' => 'article',
            'promote' => NodeInterface::PROMOTED,
        // Grant the anonymous user the permission to look at user profiles.
        user_role_grant_permissions('anonymous', [
            'access user profiles',
     * Tests performance of the standard profile.
    public function testStandardPerformance() : void {
     * Tests performance for anonymous users.
    protected function testAnonymous() : void {
        // Request the front page, then immediately clear all object caches, so that
        // aggregates and image styles are created on disk but otherwise caches are
        // empty.
        // Give time for big pipe placeholders, asset aggregate requests, and post
        // response tasks to finish processing and write to any caches before
        // clearing caches again.
        foreach (Cache::getBins() as $bin) {
        // Now visit a different page to warm some caches.
        // Ensure everything finishes before we collect performance data.
        // Test frontpage.
        $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
        }, 'standardFrontPage');
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getStylesheetCount());
        $this->assertLessThan(3500, $performance_data->getStylesheetBytes());
        $expected_queries = [
            'SELECT "base_table"."id" AS "id", "base_table"."path" AS "path", "base_table"."alias" AS "alias", "base_table"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "path_alias" "base_table" WHERE ("base_table"."status" = 1) AND ("base_table"."alias" LIKE "/node" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') AND ("base_table"."langcode" IN ("en", "und")) ORDER BY "base_table"."langcode" ASC, "base_table"."id" DESC',
            'SELECT "name", "route", "fit" FROM "router" WHERE "pattern_outline" IN ( "/node" ) AND "number_parts" >= 1',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "node_field_data" "node_field_data" WHERE ("node_field_data"."promote" = 1) AND ("node_field_data"."status" = 1)) "subquery"',
            'SELECT "node_field_data"."sticky" AS "node_field_data_sticky", "node_field_data"."created" AS "node_field_data_created", "node_field_data"."nid" AS "nid" FROM "node_field_data" "node_field_data" WHERE ("node_field_data"."promote" = 1) AND ("node_field_data"."status" = 1) ORDER BY "node_field_data_sticky" DESC, "node_field_data_created" DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0',
            'SELECT "revision"."vid" AS "vid", "revision"."langcode" AS "langcode", "revision"."revision_uid" AS "revision_uid", "revision"."revision_timestamp" AS "revision_timestamp", "revision"."revision_log" AS "revision_log", "revision"."revision_default" AS "revision_default", "base"."nid" AS "nid", "base"."type" AS "type", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", CASE "base"."vid" WHEN "revision"."vid" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "isDefaultRevision" FROM "node" "base" INNER JOIN "node_revision" "revision" ON "revision"."vid" = "base"."vid" WHERE "base"."nid" IN (1)',
            'SELECT "revision".* FROM "node_field_revision" "revision" WHERE ("revision"."nid" IN (1)) AND ("revision"."vid" IN ("1")) ORDER BY "revision"."nid" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "node__body" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (1)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "node__comment" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (1)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "node__field_image" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (1)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "node__field_tags" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (1)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "ces".* FROM "comment_entity_statistics" "ces" WHERE ("ces"."entity_id" IN (1)) AND ("ces"."entity_type" = "node")',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.entity_view_display.node.article.teaser", "core.entity_view_display.node.article.default" )',
            'SELECT "config"."name" AS "name" FROM "config" "config" WHERE ("collection" = "") AND ("name" LIKE "comment.type.%" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') ORDER BY "collection" ASC, "name" ASC',
            'SELECT "config"."name" AS "name" FROM "config" "config" WHERE ("collection" = "") AND ("name" LIKE "node.type.%" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') ORDER BY "collection" ASC, "name" ASC',
            'SELECT "base"."uid" AS "uid", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "users" "base" WHERE "base"."uid" IN (0)',
            'SELECT "data".* FROM "users_field_data" "data" WHERE "data"."uid" IN (0) ORDER BY "data"."uid" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__roles" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (0)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__user_picture" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (0)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.date_format.medium" )',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.date_format.long" )',
            'SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "path_alias" "base_table" WHERE ("base_table"."status" = 1) AND ("base_table"."path" LIKE "/node%" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.entity_view_display.user.user.compact", "core.entity_view_display.user.user.default" )',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "filter.format.restricted_html" )',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "system.image" )',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "user.role.authenticated" )',
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value" WHERE "name" IN ( "theme:stark" ) AND "collection" = "config.entity.key_store.block"',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "view.frontpage.page_1") AND ("route_param_key" = "view_id=frontpage&display_id=page_1") AND ("menu_name" = "main") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "view.frontpage.page_1") AND ("route_param_key" = "view_id=frontpage&display_id=page_1") AND ("menu_name" = "account") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'INSERT INTO "semaphore" ("name", "value", "expire") VALUES ("theme_registry:runtime:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Utility\\ThemeRegistry", "LOCK_ID", "EXPIRE")',
            'DELETE FROM "semaphore"  WHERE ("name" = "theme_registry:runtime:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Utility\\ThemeRegistry") AND ("value" = "LOCK_ID")',
            'INSERT INTO "semaphore" ("name", "value", "expire") VALUES ("library_info:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheCollector", "LOCK_ID", "EXPIRE")',
            'DELETE FROM "semaphore"  WHERE ("name" = "library_info:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheCollector") AND ("value" = "LOCK_ID")',
            'INSERT INTO "semaphore" ("name", "value", "expire") VALUES ("path_alias_prefix_list:Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheCollector", "LOCK_ID", "EXPIRE")',
            'DELETE FROM "semaphore"  WHERE ("name" = "path_alias_prefix_list:Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\CacheCollector") AND ("value" = "LOCK_ID")',
        $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
        $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
        $this->assertSame(34, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
        $this->assertSame(124, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
        $this->assertSame(45, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
        $this->assertSame(36, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
        $this->assertSame(43, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());
        // Test node page.
        $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
        }, 'standardNodePage');
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getStylesheetCount());
        $this->assertLessThan(3500, $performance_data->getStylesheetBytes());
        $expected_queries = [
            'SELECT "base_table"."id" AS "id", "base_table"."path" AS "path", "base_table"."alias" AS "alias", "base_table"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "path_alias" "base_table" WHERE ("base_table"."status" = 1) AND ("base_table"."alias" LIKE "/node/1" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') AND ("base_table"."langcode" IN ("en", "und")) ORDER BY "base_table"."langcode" ASC, "base_table"."id" DESC',
            'SELECT "name", "route", "fit" FROM "router" WHERE "pattern_outline" IN ( "/node/1", "/node/%", "/node" ) AND "number_parts" >= 2',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.entity_view_display.node.article.full" )',
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value" WHERE "name" IN ( "theme:stark" ) AND "collection" = "config.entity.key_store.block"',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "entity.node.canonical") AND ("route_param_key" = "node=1") AND ("menu_name" = "main") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "entity.node.canonical") AND ("route_param_key" = "node=1") AND ("menu_name" = "account") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'INSERT INTO "semaphore" ("name", "value", "expire") VALUES ("theme_registry:runtime:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Utility\\ThemeRegistry", "LOCK_ID", "EXPIRE")',
            'DELETE FROM "semaphore"  WHERE ("name" = "theme_registry:runtime:stark:Drupal\\Core\\Utility\\ThemeRegistry") AND ("value" = "LOCK_ID")',
        $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
        $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
        $this->assertSame(8, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
        $this->assertSame(94, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
        $this->assertSame(16, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
        $this->assertCountBetween(23, 24, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
        $this->assertCountBetween(39, 40, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());
        // Test user profile page.
        $this->user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
        $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
            $this->drupalGet('user/' . $this->user
        }, 'standardUserPage');
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getStylesheetCount());
        $this->assertLessThan(3500, $performance_data->getStylesheetBytes());
        $expected_queries = [
            'SELECT "base_table"."id" AS "id", "base_table"."path" AS "path", "base_table"."alias" AS "alias", "base_table"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "path_alias" "base_table" WHERE ("base_table"."status" = 1) AND ("base_table"."alias" LIKE "/user/2" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') AND ("base_table"."langcode" IN ("en", "und")) ORDER BY "base_table"."langcode" ASC, "base_table"."id" DESC',
            'SELECT "name", "route", "fit" FROM "router" WHERE "pattern_outline" IN ( "/user/2", "/user/%", "/user" ) AND "number_parts" >= 2',
            'SELECT "base"."uid" AS "uid", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "users" "base" WHERE "base"."uid" IN (2)',
            'SELECT "data".* FROM "users_field_data" "data" WHERE "data"."uid" IN (2) ORDER BY "data"."uid" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__roles" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__user_picture" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "core.entity_view_display.user.user.full" )',
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value" WHERE "name" IN ( "theme:stark" ) AND "collection" = "config.entity.key_store.block"',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "entity.user.canonical") AND ("route_param_key" = "user=2") AND ("menu_name" = "main") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'SELECT "menu_tree"."menu_name" AS "menu_name", "menu_tree"."route_name" AS "route_name", "menu_tree"."route_parameters" AS "route_parameters", "menu_tree"."url" AS "url", "menu_tree"."title" AS "title", "menu_tree"."description" AS "description", "menu_tree"."parent" AS "parent", "menu_tree"."weight" AS "weight", "menu_tree"."options" AS "options", "menu_tree"."expanded" AS "expanded", "menu_tree"."enabled" AS "enabled", "menu_tree"."provider" AS "provider", "menu_tree"."metadata" AS "metadata", "menu_tree"."class" AS "class", "menu_tree"."form_class" AS "form_class", "menu_tree"."id" AS "id" FROM "menu_tree" "menu_tree" WHERE ("route_name" = "entity.user.canonical") AND ("route_param_key" = "user=2") AND ("menu_name" = "account") ORDER BY "depth" ASC, "weight" ASC, "id" ASC',
            'SELECT "ud".* FROM "users_data" "ud" WHERE ("module" = "contact") AND ("uid" = "2") AND ("name" = "enabled")',
            'SELECT "name", "data" FROM "config" WHERE "collection" = "" AND "name" IN ( "contact.settings" )',
        $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
        $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
        $this->assertSame(12, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
        $this->assertSame(78, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
        $this->assertSame(16, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
        $this->assertSame(22, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
        $this->assertSame(32, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());
     * Tests the performance of logging in.
    protected function testLogin() : void {
        // Create a user and log them in to warm all caches. Manually submit the
        // form so that we repeat the same steps when recording performance data. Do
        // this twice so that any caches which take two requests to warm are also
        // covered.
        foreach (range(0, 1) as $index) {
        $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
        }, 'standardLogin');
        $expected_queries = [
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value_expire" WHERE "expire" > "NOW" AND "name" IN ( "KEY" ) AND "collection" = "form"',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_ip") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
            'SELECT "base_table"."uid" AS "uid", "base_table"."uid" AS "base_table_uid" FROM "users" "base_table" INNER JOIN "users_field_data" "users_field_data" ON "users_field_data"."uid" = "base_table"."uid" WHERE ("users_field_data"."name" IN ("ACCOUNT_NAME")) AND ("users_field_data"."default_langcode" IN (1))',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_user") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
            'INSERT INTO "watchdog" ("uid", "type", "message", "variables", "severity", "link", "location", "referer", "hostname", "timestamp") VALUES ("2", "user", "Session opened for %name.", "WATCHDOG_DATA", 6, "", "LOCATION", "REFERER", "CLIENT_IP", "TIMESTAMP")',
            'UPDATE "users_field_data" SET "login"="TIMESTAMP" WHERE "uid" = "2"',
            'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
            'SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "sessions" "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID"',
            'INSERT INTO "sessions" ("sid", "uid", "hostname", "session", "timestamp") VALUES ("SESSION_ID", "2", "CLIENT_IP", "SESSION_DATA", "TIMESTAMP")',
            'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
            'SELECT * FROM "users_field_data" "u" WHERE "u"."uid" = "2" AND "u"."default_langcode" = 1',
            'SELECT "roles_target_id" FROM "user__roles" WHERE "entity_id" = "2"',
            'SELECT "base"."uid" AS "uid", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "users" "base" WHERE "base"."uid" IN (2)',
            'SELECT "data".* FROM "users_field_data" "data" WHERE "data"."uid" IN (2) ORDER BY "data"."uid" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__roles" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__user_picture" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value" WHERE "name" IN ( "theme:stark" ) AND "collection" = "config.entity.key_store.block"',
        $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
        $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
        $this->assertSame(17, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
        $this->assertSame(86, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
        $this->assertSame(37, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());
     * Tests the performance of logging in via the user login block.
    protected function testLoginBlock() : void {
        // Log the user in in to warm all caches. Manually submit the form so that
        // we repeat the same steps when recording performance data. Do this twice
        // so that any caches which take two requests to warm are also covered.
        foreach (range(0, 1) as $index) {
        $performance_data = $this->collectPerformanceData(function () {
        }, 'standardBlockLogin');
        $expected_queries = [
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value" WHERE "name" IN ( "theme:stark" ) AND "collection" = "config.entity.key_store.block"',
            'SELECT "config"."name" AS "name" FROM "config" "config" WHERE ("collection" = "") AND ("name" LIKE "" ESCAPE ' . "'\\\\'" . ') ORDER BY "collection" ASC, "name" ASC',
            'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value_expire" WHERE "expire" > "NOW" AND "name" IN ( "KEY" ) AND "collection" = "form"',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_ip") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
            'SELECT "base_table"."uid" AS "uid", "base_table"."uid" AS "base_table_uid" FROM "users" "base_table" INNER JOIN "users_field_data" "users_field_data" ON "users_field_data"."uid" = "base_table"."uid" WHERE ("users_field_data"."name" IN ("ACCOUNT_NAME")) AND ("users_field_data"."default_langcode" IN (1))',
            'SELECT "base"."uid" AS "uid", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "users" "base" WHERE "base"."uid" IN (2)',
            'SELECT "data".* FROM "users_field_data" "data" WHERE "data"."uid" IN (2) ORDER BY "data"."uid" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__roles" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT "t".* FROM "user__user_picture" "t" WHERE ("entity_id" IN (2)) AND ("deleted" = 0) AND ("langcode" IN ("en", "und", "zxx")) ORDER BY "delta" ASC',
            'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f" WHERE ("event" = "user.failed_login_user") AND ("identifier" = "CLIENT_IP") AND ("timestamp" > "TIMESTAMP")) "subquery"',
            'INSERT INTO "watchdog" ("uid", "type", "message", "variables", "severity", "link", "location", "referer", "hostname", "timestamp") VALUES ("2", "user", "Session opened for %name.", "WATCHDOG_DATA", 6, "", "LOCATION", "REFERER", "CLIENT_IP", "TIMESTAMP")',
            'UPDATE "users_field_data" SET "login"="TIMESTAMP" WHERE "uid" = "2"',
            'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
            'SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "sessions" "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID"',
            'INSERT INTO "sessions" ("sid", "uid", "hostname", "session", "timestamp") VALUES ("SESSION_ID", "2", "CLIENT_IP", "SESSION_DATA", "TIMESTAMP")',
            'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions" WHERE "sid" = "SESSION_ID" LIMIT 0, 1',
            'SELECT * FROM "users_field_data" "u" WHERE "u"."uid" = "2" AND "u"."default_langcode" = 1',
            'SELECT "roles_target_id" FROM "user__roles" WHERE "entity_id" = "2"',
        $recorded_queries = $performance_data->getQueries();
        $this->assertSame($expected_queries, $recorded_queries);
        $this->assertSame(18, $performance_data->getQueryCount());
        $this->assertSame(107, $performance_data->getCacheGetCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheSetCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount());
        $this->assertSame(1, $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount());
        $this->assertSame(43, $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount());
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount());
     * Submit the user login form.
    protected function submitLoginForm($account) {
            'name' => $account->getAccountName(),
            'pass' => $account->passRaw,
        ], 'Log in');
     * Passes if no JavaScript is found on the page.
     * @param Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData $performance_data
     *   A PerformanceData value object.
     * @internal
    protected function assertNoJavaScript(PerformanceData $performance_data) : void {
        // Ensure drupalSettings is not set.
        $settings = $this->getDrupalSettings();
        $this->assertEmpty($settings, 'drupalSettings is not set.');
        $this->assertSame(0, $performance_data->getScriptCount());
     * Provides an empty implementation to prevent the resetting of caches.
    protected function refreshVariables() {



Title Deprecated Summary
StandardPerformanceTest Tests the performance of basic functionality in the standard profile.

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