interface FieldItemInterface

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldItemInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface
  2. 8.9.x core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldItemInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface
  3. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldItemInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface

Interface for entity field items.

Entity field items are typed data objects containing the field values, i.e. implementing the ComplexDataInterface.

When implementing this interface which extends Traversable, make sure to list IteratorAggregate or Iterator before this interface in the implements clause.


Expanded class hierarchy of FieldItemInterface

All classes that implement FieldItemInterface

See also



Related topics

34 files declare their use of FieldItemInterface
BaseFieldFileFormatterBase.php in core/modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/BaseFieldFileFormatterBase.php
BooleanItemTest.php in core/modules/field/tests/src/Kernel/Boolean/BooleanItemTest.php
ComputedFileUrlTest.php in core/modules/file/tests/src/Kernel/ComputedFileUrlTest.php
DateTimeItemTest.php in core/modules/datetime/tests/src/Kernel/DateTimeItemTest.php
DefaultFileFormatter.php in core/modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/DefaultFileFormatter.php

... See full list

2 string references to 'FieldItemInterface'
core.data_types.schema.yml in core/config/schema/core.data_types.schema.yml
field.schema.yml in core/modules/field/config/schema/field.schema.yml


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldItemInterface.php, line 21


View source
interface FieldItemInterface extends ComplexDataInterface {
     * Defines field item properties.
     * Properties that are required to constitute a valid, non-empty item should
     * be denoted with \Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinition::setRequired().
     * @return \Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinitionInterface[]
     *   An array of property definitions of contained properties, keyed by
     *   property name.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
    public static function propertyDefinitions(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_definition);
     * Returns the name of the main property, if any.
     * Some field items consist mainly of one main property, e.g. the value of a
     * text field or the target_id of an entity reference. If the field item has
     * no main property, the method returns NULL.
     * @return string|null
     *   The name of the value property, or NULL if there is none.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition
    public static function mainPropertyName();
     * Returns the schema for the field.
     * This method is static because the field schema information is needed on
     * creation of the field. FieldItemInterface objects instantiated at that
     * time are not reliable as field settings might be missing.
     * Computed fields having no schema should return an empty array.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_definition
     *   The field definition.
     * @return array
     *   An empty array if there is no schema, or an associative array with the
     *   following key/value pairs:
     *   - columns: An array of Schema API column specifications, keyed by column
     *     name. The columns need to be a subset of the properties defined in
     *     propertyDefinitions(). The 'not null' property is ignored if present,
     *     as it is determined automatically by the storage controller depending
     *     on the table layout and the property definitions. It is recommended to
     *     avoid having the column definitions depend on field settings when
     *     possible. No assumptions should be made on how storage engines
     *     internally use the original column name to structure their storage.
     *   - unique keys: (optional) An array of Schema API unique key definitions.
     *     Only columns that appear in the 'columns' array are allowed.
     *   - indexes: (optional) An array of Schema API index definitions. Only
     *     columns that appear in the 'columns' array are allowed. Those indexes
     *     will be used as default indexes. Field definitions can specify
     *     additional indexes or, at their own risk, modify the default indexes
     *     specified by the field-type module. Some storage engines might not
     *     support indexes.
     *   - foreign keys: (optional) An array of Schema API foreign key
     *     definitions. Note, however, that the field data is not necessarily
     *     stored in SQL. Also, the possible usage is limited, as you cannot
     *     specify another field as related, only existing SQL tables,
     *     such as {taxonomy_term_data}.
     * @throws \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldException
     *   Throws an exception if the schema is invalid.
    public static function schema(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_definition);
     * Gets the entity that field belongs to.
     * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface
     *   The entity object.
    public function getEntity();
     * Gets the langcode of the field values held in the object.
     * @return string
     *   The langcode.
    public function getLangcode();
     * Gets the field definition.
     * @return \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface
     *   The field definition.
    public function getFieldDefinition();
     * Magic method: Gets a property value.
     * @param string $property_name
     *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
     * @return mixed
     *   The property value.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     *   If a non-existent property is accessed.
    public function __get($property_name);
     * Magic method: Sets a property value.
     * @param string $property_name
     *   The name of the property to set; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
     * @param mixed $value
     *   The value to set, or NULL to unset the property. Optionally, a typed
     *   data object implementing Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface may be
     *   passed instead of a plain value.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     *   If a non-existent property is set.
    public function __set($property_name, $value);
     * Magic method: Determines whether a property is set.
     * @param string $property_name
     *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
     * @return bool
     *   Returns TRUE if the property exists and is set, FALSE otherwise.
    public function __isset($property_name);
     * Magic method: Unsets a property.
     * @param string $property_name
     *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
    public function __unset($property_name);
     * Returns a renderable array for a single field item.
     * @param string|array $display_options
     *   Can be either the name of a view mode, or an array of display settings.
     *   See EntityViewBuilderInterface::viewField() for more information.
     * @return array
     *   A renderable array for the field item.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilderInterface::viewField()
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilderInterface::viewFieldItem()
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface::view()
    public function view($display_options = []);
     * Defines custom presave behavior for field values.
     * This method is called during the process of saving an entity, just before
     * values are written into storage. When storing a new entity, its identifier
     * will not be available yet. This should be used to massage item property
     * values or perform any other operation that needs to happen before values
     * are stored. For instance this is the proper phase to auto-create a new
     * entity for an entity reference field item, because this way it will be
     * possible to store the referenced entity identifier.
    public function preSave();
     * Defines custom post-save behavior for field values.
     * This method is called during the process of saving an entity, just after
     * values are written into storage. This is useful mostly when the business
     * logic to be implemented always requires the entity identifier, even when
     * storing a new entity. For instance, when implementing circular entity
     * references, the referenced entity will be created on pre-save with a dummy
     * value for the referring entity identifier, which will be updated with the
     * actual one on post-save.
     * In the rare cases where item properties depend on the entity identifier,
     * massaging logic will have to be implemented on post-save and returning TRUE
     * will allow them to be rewritten to the storage with the updated values.
     * @param bool $update
     *   Specifies whether the entity is being updated or created.
     * @return bool
     *   Whether field items should be rewritten to the storage as a consequence
     *   of the logic implemented by the custom behavior.
    public function postSave($update);
     * Defines custom delete behavior for field values.
     * This method is called during the process of deleting an entity, just before
     * values are deleted from storage.
    public function delete();
     * Defines custom revision delete behavior for field values.
     * This method is called from during the process of deleting an entity
     * revision, just before the field values are deleted from storage. It is only
     * called for entity types that support revisioning.
    public function deleteRevision();
     * Generates placeholder field values.
     * Useful when populating site with placeholder content during site building
     * or profiling.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
     *   The field definition.
     * @return array
     *   An associative array of values.
    public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition);
     * Defines the storage-level settings for this plugin.
     * @return array
     *   A list of default settings, keyed by the setting name.
    public static function defaultStorageSettings();
     * Defines the field-level settings for this plugin.
     * @return array
     *   A list of default settings, keyed by the setting name.
    public static function defaultFieldSettings();
     * Returns a short summary of the field's storage-level settings.
     * All information returned by this function should communicate fundamental
     * information about the field storage settings for users. For example, in the
     * case of a reference field, the configured target entity type is a crucial
     * piece of information for understanding how the field can be used.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $storage_definition
     *   The field storage definition.
     * @return array
     *   A renderable array summarizing storage-level settings.
    public static function storageSettingsSummary(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $storage_definition) : array;
     * Returns a short summary of the field's field-level settings.
     * All information returned by this function should communicate fundamental
     * information about the field settings for users. For example, in the case of
     * a reference field, the selected target entity bundles are a crucial
     * piece of information for understanding how the field can be used.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
     *   The field entity.
     * @return array
     *   A renderable array summarizing the field-level settings.
    public static function fieldSettingsSummary(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) : array;
     * Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value.
     * For all use cases where field settings are stored and managed as
     * configuration, this method is used to map from the field type's
     * representation of its settings to a representation compatible with
     * deployable configuration. This includes:
     * - Array keys at any depth must not contain a ".".
     * - Ideally, array keys at any depth are either numeric or can be enumerated
     *   as a "mapping" within the configuration schema. While not strictly
     *   required, this simplifies configuration translation UIs, configuration
     *   migrations between Drupal versions, and other use cases.
     * - To support configuration deployments, references to content entities
     *   must use UUIDs rather than local IDs.
     * An example of a conversion between representations might be an
     * "allowed_values" setting that's structured by the field type as a
     * \Drupal\Core\TypedData\OptionsProviderInterface::getPossibleOptions()
     * result (i.e., values as keys and labels as values). For such a use case,
     * in order to comply with the above, this method could convert that
     * representation to a numerically indexed array whose values are sub-arrays
     * with the schema definable keys of "value" and "label".
     * @param array $settings
     *   The field's settings in the field type's canonical representation.
     * @return array
     *   An array (either the unmodified $settings or a modified representation)
     *   that is suitable for storing as a deployable configuration value.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Config::set()
    public static function storageSettingsToConfigData(array $settings);
     * Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation.
     * This function does the inverse of static::storageSettingsToConfigData(). It's
     * called when loading a field's settings from a configuration object.
     * @param array $settings
     *   The field's settings, as it is stored within a configuration object.
     * @return array
     *   The settings, in the representation expected by the field type and code
     *   that interacts with it.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsToConfigData()
    public static function storageSettingsFromConfigData(array $settings);
     * Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value.
     * Same as static::storageSettingsToConfigData(), but for the field's settings.
     * @param array $settings
     *   The field's settings in the field type's canonical representation.
     * @return array
     *   An array (either the unmodified $settings or a modified representation)
     *   that is suitable for storing as a deployable configuration value.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsToConfigData()
    public static function fieldSettingsToConfigData(array $settings);
     * Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation.
     * This function does the inverse of static::fieldSettingsToConfigData().
     * It's called when loading a field's settings from a configuration
     * object.
     * @param array $settings
     *   The field's settings, as it is stored within a configuration
     *   object.
     * @return array
     *   The field settings, in the representation expected by the field type
     *   and code that interacts with it.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsToConfigData()
    public static function fieldSettingsFromConfigData(array $settings);
     * Returns a form for the storage-level settings.
     * Invoked from \Drupal\field_ui\Form\FieldStorageConfigEditForm to allow
     * administrators to configure storage-level settings.
     * Field storage might reject settings changes that affect the field
     * storage schema if the storage already has data. When the $has_data
     * parameter is TRUE, the form should not allow changing the settings that
     * take part in the schema() method. It is recommended to set #access to
     * FALSE on the corresponding elements.
     * @param array $form
     *   The form where the settings form is being included in.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
     *   The form state of the (entire) configuration form.
     * @param bool $has_data
     *   TRUE if the field already has data, FALSE if not.
     * @return array
     *   The form definition for the field settings.
    public function storageSettingsForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $has_data);
     * Returns a form for the field-level settings.
     * Invoked from \Drupal\field_ui\Form\FieldConfigEditForm to allow
     * administrators to configure field-level settings.
     * @param array $form
     *   The form where the settings form is being included in.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
     *   The form state of the (entire) configuration form.
     * @return array
     *   The form definition for the field settings.
    public function fieldSettingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state);
     * Calculates dependencies for field items.
     * Dependencies are saved in the field configuration entity and are used to
     * determine configuration synchronization order. For example, if the field
     * type's default value is a content entity, this method should return an
     * array of dependencies listing the content entities.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
     *   The field definition.
     * @return array
     *   An array of dependencies grouped by type (config, content, module,
     *   theme). For example:
     *   @code
     *   [
     *     'config' => ['user.role.anonymous', 'user.role.authenticated'],
     *     'content' => ['node:article:f0a189e6-55fb-47fb-8005-5bef81c44d6d'],
     *     'module' => ['node', 'user'],
     *     'theme' => ['claro'],
     *   ];
     *   @endcode
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigDependencyManager
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface::getConfigDependencyName()
    public static function calculateDependencies(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition);
     * Calculates dependencies for field items on the storage level.
     * Dependencies are saved in the field storage configuration entity and are
     * used to determine configuration synchronization order. For example, if the
     * field type storage depends on a particular entity type, this method should
     * return an array of dependencies listing the module that provides the entity
     * type.
     * Dependencies returned from this method are stored in field storage
     * configuration and are always considered hard dependencies. If the
     * dependency is removed the field storage configuration must be deleted.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_storage_definition
     *   The field storage definition.
     * @return array
     *   An array of dependencies grouped by type (config, content, module,
     *   theme). For example:
     *   @code
     *   [
     *     'config' => ['user.role.anonymous', 'user.role.authenticated'],
     *     'content' => ['node:article:f0a189e6-55fb-47fb-8005-5bef81c44d6d'],
     *     'module' => ['node', 'user'],
     *     'theme' => ['claro'],
     *   ];
     *   @endcode
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigDependencyManager
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface::getConfigDependencyName()
    public static function calculateStorageDependencies(FieldStorageDefinitionInterface $field_storage_definition);
     * Informs the plugin that a dependency of the field will be deleted.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
     *   The field definition.
     * @param array $dependencies
     *   An array of dependencies that will be deleted keyed by dependency type.
     *   Dependency types are, for example, entity, module and theme.
     * @return bool
     *   TRUE if the field definition has been changed as a result, FALSE if not.
     * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval()
    public static function onDependencyRemoval(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition, array $dependencies);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
ComplexDataInterface::get public function Gets a property object. 2
ComplexDataInterface::getDataDefinition public function Gets the data definition. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getDataDefinition
ComplexDataInterface::getProperties public function Gets an array of property objects. 3
ComplexDataInterface::isEmpty public function Determines whether the data structure is empty. 2
ComplexDataInterface::set public function Sets a property value. 3
ComplexDataInterface::toArray public function Returns an array of all property values. 2
FieldItemInterface::calculateDependencies public static function Calculates dependencies for field items. 1
FieldItemInterface::calculateStorageDependencies public static function Calculates dependencies for field items on the storage level. 1
FieldItemInterface::defaultFieldSettings public static function Defines the field-level settings for this plugin. 1
FieldItemInterface::defaultStorageSettings public static function Defines the storage-level settings for this plugin. 1
FieldItemInterface::delete public function Defines custom delete behavior for field values. 1
FieldItemInterface::deleteRevision public function Defines custom revision delete behavior for field values. 1
FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsForm public function Returns a form for the field-level settings. 1
FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsFromConfigData public static function Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation. 1
FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsSummary public static function Returns a short summary of the field's field-level settings. 1
FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsToConfigData public static function Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value. 1
FieldItemInterface::generateSampleValue public static function Generates placeholder field values. 1
FieldItemInterface::getEntity public function Gets the entity that field belongs to. 1
FieldItemInterface::getFieldDefinition public function Gets the field definition. 1
FieldItemInterface::getLangcode public function Gets the langcode of the field values held in the object. 1
FieldItemInterface::mainPropertyName public static function Returns the name of the main property, if any. 1
FieldItemInterface::onDependencyRemoval public static function Informs the plugin that a dependency of the field will be deleted. 1
FieldItemInterface::postSave public function Defines custom post-save behavior for field values. 1
FieldItemInterface::preSave public function Defines custom presave behavior for field values. 1
FieldItemInterface::propertyDefinitions public static function Defines field item properties. 29
FieldItemInterface::schema public static function Returns the schema for the field. 32
FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsForm public function Returns a form for the storage-level settings. 1
FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsFromConfigData public static function Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation. 1
FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsSummary public static function Returns a short summary of the field's storage-level settings. 1
FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsToConfigData public static function Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value. 1
FieldItemInterface::view public function Returns a renderable array for a single field item. 1
FieldItemInterface::__get public function Magic method: Gets a property value. 1
FieldItemInterface::__isset public function Magic method: Determines whether a property is set. 1
FieldItemInterface::__set public function Magic method: Sets a property value. 1
FieldItemInterface::__unset public function Magic method: Unsets a property. 1
TraversableTypedDataInterface::onChange public function React to changes to a child property or item. 4
TypedDataInterface::applyDefaultValue public function Applies the default value. 1
TypedDataInterface::createInstance public static function Constructs a TypedData object given its definition and context. 1
TypedDataInterface::getConstraints public function Gets a list of validation constraints. 1
TypedDataInterface::getName public function Returns the name of a property or item. 1
TypedDataInterface::getParent public function Returns the parent data structure; i.e. either complex data or a list. 1
TypedDataInterface::getPropertyPath public function Returns the property path of the data. 1
TypedDataInterface::getRoot public function Returns the root of the typed data tree. 1
TypedDataInterface::getString public function Returns a string representation of the data. 1
TypedDataInterface::getValue public function Gets the data value. 1
TypedDataInterface::setContext public function Sets the context of a property or item via a context aware parent. 1
TypedDataInterface::setValue public function Sets the data value. 1
TypedDataInterface::validate public function Validates the currently set data value. 1

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