Same filename in other branches
  1. 7.x includes/
  2. 9 core/includes/
  3. 10 core/includes/
  4. 11.x core/includes/

Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.

The functions that are critical and need to be available even when serving a cached page are instead located in



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 * @file
 * Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.
 * The functions that are critical and need to be available even when serving
 * a cached page are instead located in
use Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoItem;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Environment;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SortArray;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;

 * @defgroup php_wrappers PHP wrapper functions
 * @{
 * Functions that are wrappers or custom implementations of PHP functions.
 * Certain PHP functions should not be used in Drupal. Instead, Drupal's
 * replacement functions should be used.
 * For example, for improved or more secure UTF8-handling, or RFC-compliant
 * handling of URLs in Drupal.
 * For ease of use and memorizing, all these wrapper functions use the same name
 * as the original PHP function, but prefixed with "drupal_". Beware, however,
 * that not all wrapper functions support the same arguments as the original
 * functions.
 * You should always use these wrapper functions in your code.
 * Wrong:
 * @code
 *   $my_substring = substr($original_string, 0, 5);
 * @endcode
 * Correct:
 * @code
 *   $my_substring = mb_substr($original_string, 0, 5);
 * @endcode
 * @}

 * Return status for saving which involved creating a new item.
const SAVED_NEW = 1;

 * Return status for saving which involved an update to an existing item.
const SAVED_UPDATED = 2;

 * Return status for saving which deleted an existing item.
const SAVED_DELETED = 3;

 * The default aggregation group for CSS files added to the page.

 * The default aggregation group for theme CSS files added to the page.

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style HTML elements ("base" styles).
const CSS_BASE = -200;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that layout a page.
const CSS_LAYOUT = -100;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style design components (and their associated states and themes.)
const CSS_COMPONENT = 0;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style states and are not included with components.
const CSS_STATE = 100;

 * The default weight for CSS rules that style themes and are not included with components.
const CSS_THEME = 200;

 * The default group for JavaScript settings added to the page.
const JS_SETTING = -200;

 * The default group for JavaScript and jQuery libraries added to the page.
const JS_LIBRARY = -100;

 * The default group for module JavaScript code added to the page.
const JS_DEFAULT = 0;

 * The default group for theme JavaScript code added to the page.
const JS_THEME = 100;

 * The delimiter used to split plural strings.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoItem::DELIMITER instead.

 * Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter.
 * Used to direct the user back to the referring page after completing a form.
 * By default the current URL is returned. If a destination exists in the
 * previous request, that destination is returned. As such, a destination can
 * persist across multiple pages.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array containing the key:
 *   - destination: The value of the current request's 'destination' query
 *     parameter, if present. This can be either a relative or absolute URL.
 *     However, for security, redirection to external URLs is not performed.
 *     If the query parameter isn't present, then the URL of the current
 *     request is returned.
 * @ingroup form_api
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use the redirect.destination service.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\RedirectResponseSubscriber::checkRedirectUrl()
 * @see
function drupal_get_destination() {
    return \Drupal::destination()->getAsArray();

 * @defgroup validation Input validation
 * @{
 * Functions to validate user input.

 * Verifies the syntax of the given email address.
 * @param string $mail
 *   A string containing an email address.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the address is in a valid format.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal::service('email.validator')->isValid().
 * @see
function valid_email_address($mail) {
    return \Drupal::service('email.validator')->isValid($mail);

 * @} End of "defgroup validation".

 * @defgroup sanitization Sanitization functions
 * @{
 * Functions to sanitize values.
 * See for information
 * on writing secure code.

 * Strips dangerous protocols from a URI and encodes it for output to HTML.
 * @param $uri
 *   A plain-text URI that might contain dangerous protocols.
 * @return string
 *   A URI stripped of dangerous protocols and encoded for output to an HTML
 *   attribute value. Because it is already encoded, it should not be set as a
 *   value within a $attributes array passed to Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute,
 *   because Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute expects those values to be
 *   plain-text strings. To pass a filtered URI to
 *   Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute, call
 *   \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() instead.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() or UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol()
 *   instead. UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() can be used in conjunction
 *   with \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup and an @variable
 *   placeholder which will perform the necessary escaping.
 *   UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() is functionality equivalent to check_url()
 *   apart from the fact it is protected from double escaping bugs. Note that
 *   this method no longer marks its output as safe.
 * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols()
 * @see \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol()
 * @see
function check_url($uri) {
    @trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated in Drupal 8.0.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() or UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return Html::escape(UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols($uri));

 * @} End of "defgroup sanitization".

 * @defgroup format Formatting
 * @{
 * Functions to format numbers, strings, dates, etc.

 * Generates a string representation for the given byte count.
 * @param $size
 *   A size in bytes.
 * @param $langcode
 *   Optional language code to translate to a language other than what is used
 *   to display the page.
 * @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
 *   A translated string representation of the size.
function format_size($size, $langcode = NULL) {
    $absolute_size = abs($size);
    if ($absolute_size < Bytes::KILOBYTE) {
        return \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural($size, '1 byte', '@count bytes', [], [
            'langcode' => $langcode,
    // Create a multiplier to preserve the sign of $size.
    $sign = $absolute_size / $size;
    foreach ([
    ] as $unit) {
        $absolute_size /= Bytes::KILOBYTE;
        $rounded_size = round($absolute_size, 2);
        if ($rounded_size < Bytes::KILOBYTE) {
    $args = [
        '@size' => $rounded_size * $sign,
    $options = [
        'langcode' => $langcode,
    switch ($unit) {
        case 'KB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size KB', $args, $options);
        case 'MB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size MB', $args, $options);
        case 'GB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size GB', $args, $options);
        case 'TB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size TB', $args, $options);
        case 'PB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size PB', $args, $options);
        case 'EB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size EB', $args, $options);
        case 'ZB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size ZB', $args, $options);
        case 'YB':
            return new TranslatableMarkup('@size YB', $args, $options);

 * Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
 * @param $timestamp
 *   A UNIX timestamp to format.
 * @param $type
 *   (optional) The format to use, one of:
 *   - One of the built-in formats: 'short', 'medium',
 *     'long', 'html_datetime', 'html_date', 'html_time',
 *     'html_yearless_date', 'html_week', 'html_month', 'html_year'.
 *   - The name of a date type defined by a date format config entity.
 *   - The machine name of an administrator-defined date format.
 *   - 'custom', to use $format.
 *   Defaults to 'medium'.
 * @param $format
 *   (optional) If $type is 'custom', a PHP date format string suitable for
 *   input to date(). Use a backslash to escape ordinary text, so it does not
 *   get interpreted as date format characters.
 * @param $timezone
 *   (optional) Time zone identifier, as described at
 * Defaults to the time zone used to
 *   display the page.
 * @param $langcode
 *   (optional) Language code to translate to. Defaults to the language used to
 *   display the page.
 * @return
 *   A translated date string in the requested format.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format().
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter::format()
 * @see
function format_date($timestamp, $type = 'medium', $format = '', $timezone = NULL, $langcode = NULL) {
    @trigger_error("format_date() is deprecated in Drupal 8.0.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \\Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format() instead. See", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($timestamp, $type, $format, $timezone, $langcode);

 * Returns an ISO8601 formatted date based on the given date.
 * @param string $date
 *   A UNIX timestamp.
 * @return string
 *   An ISO8601 formatted date.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   date('c', $date) instead.
 * @see
function date_iso8601($date) {
    @trigger_error('date_iso8601() is deprecated in Drupal 8.7.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use date("c", $date) instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    // The DATE_ISO8601 constant cannot be used here because it does not match
    // date('c') and produces invalid RDF markup.
    return date('c', $date);

 * @} End of "defgroup format".

 * Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header.
 * @param array $attributes
 *   An associative array of attributes such as 'rel'.
 * @return string
 *   A ; separated string ready for insertion in a HTTP header. No escaping is
 *   performed for HTML entities, so this string is not safe to be printed.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor::formatHttpHeaderAttributes()
 *   instead.
 * @see
function drupal_http_header_attributes(array $attributes = []) {
    @trigger_error("drupal_http_header_attributes() is deprecated in Drupal 8.7.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Render\\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor::formatHttpHeaderAttributes() instead. See", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor::formatHttpHeaderAttributes($attributes);

 * Attempts to set the PHP maximum execution time.
 * This function is a wrapper around the PHP function set_time_limit().
 * When called, set_time_limit() restarts the timeout counter from zero.
 * In other words, if the timeout is the default 30 seconds, and 25 seconds
 * into script execution a call such as set_time_limit(20) is made, the
 * script will run for a total of 45 seconds before timing out.
 * If the current time limit is not unlimited it is possible to decrease the
 * total time limit if the sum of the new time limit and the current time spent
 * running the script is inferior to the original time limit. It is inherent to
 * the way set_time_limit() works, it should rather be called with an
 * appropriate value every time you need to allocate a certain amount of time
 * to execute a task than only once at the beginning of the script.
 * Before calling set_time_limit(), we check if this function is available
 * because it could be disabled by the server administrator. We also hide all
 * the errors that could occur when calling set_time_limit(), because it is
 * not possible to reliably ensure that PHP or a security extension will
 * not issue a warning/error if they prevent the use of this function.
 * @param $time_limit
 *   An integer specifying the new time limit, in seconds. A value of 0
 *   indicates unlimited execution time.
 * @ingroup php_wrappers
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Component\Utility\Environment::setTimeLimit() instead.
 * @see
function drupal_set_time_limit($time_limit) {
    @trigger_error('drupal_set_time_limit() is deprecated in Drupal 8.7.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Component\\Utility\\Environment::setTimeLimit() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

 * Returns the base URL path (i.e., directory) of the Drupal installation.
 * Function base_path() adds a "/" to the beginning and end of the returned path
 * if the path is not empty. At the very least, this will return "/".
 * Examples:
 * - returns "/" because the path is empty.
 * - returns "/drupal/folder/".
function base_path() {
    return $GLOBALS['base_path'];

 * Deletes old cached CSS files.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll().
 * @see
function drupal_clear_css_cache() {

 * Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for JavaScript assets.
 * @param $data
 *   (optional) The default data parameter for the JavaScript asset array.
 * @see hook_js_alter()
function drupal_js_defaults($data = NULL) {
    return [
        'type' => 'file',
        'group' => JS_DEFAULT,
        'weight' => 0,
        'scope' => 'header',
        'cache' => TRUE,
        'preprocess' => TRUE,
        'attributes' => [],
        'version' => NULL,
        'data' => $data,
        'browsers' => [],

 * Adds JavaScript to change the state of an element based on another element.
 * A "state" means a certain property on a DOM element, such as "visible" or
 * "checked". A state can be applied to an element, depending on the state of
 * another element on the page. In general, states depend on HTML attributes and
 * DOM element properties, which change due to user interaction.
 * Since states are driven by JavaScript only, it is important to understand
 * that all states are applied on presentation only, none of the states force
 * any server-side logic, and that they will not be applied for site visitors
 * without JavaScript support. All modules implementing states have to make
 * sure that the intended logic also works without JavaScript being enabled.
 * #states is an associative array in the form of:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   ...
 * )
 * @endcode
 * Each key is the name of a state to apply to the element, such as 'visible'.
 * Each value is a list of conditions that denote when the state should be
 * applied.
 * Multiple different states may be specified to act on complex conditions:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => CONDITIONS,
 *   'checked' => OTHER_CONDITIONS,
 * )
 * @endcode
 * Every condition is a key/value pair, whose key is a jQuery selector that
 * denotes another element on the page, and whose value is an array of
 * conditions, which must be met on that element:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => array(
 *     ...
 *   ),
 * )
 * @endcode
 * All conditions must be met for the state to be applied.
 * Each remote condition is a key/value pair specifying conditions on the other
 * element that need to be met to apply the state to the element:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'visible' => array(
 *     ':input[name="remote_checkbox"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
 *   ),
 * )
 * @endcode
 * For example, to show a textfield only when a checkbox is checked:
 * @code
 * $form['toggle_me'] = array(
 *   '#type' => 'checkbox',
 *   '#title' => t('Tick this box to type'),
 * );
 * $form['settings'] = array(
 *   '#type' => 'textfield',
 *   '#states' => array(
 *     // Only show this field when the 'toggle_me' checkbox is enabled.
 *     'visible' => array(
 *       ':input[name="toggle_me"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * );
 * @endcode
 * The following states may be applied to an element:
 * - enabled
 * - disabled
 * - required
 * - optional
 * - visible
 * - invisible
 * - checked
 * - unchecked
 * - expanded
 * - collapsed
 * The following states may be used in remote conditions:
 * - empty
 * - filled
 * - checked
 * - unchecked
 * - expanded
 * - collapsed
 * - value
 * The following states exist for both elements and remote conditions, but are
 * not fully implemented and may not change anything on the element:
 * - relevant
 * - irrelevant
 * - valid
 * - invalid
 * - touched
 * - untouched
 * - readwrite
 * - readonly
 * When referencing select lists and radio buttons in remote conditions, a
 * 'value' condition must be used:
 * @code
 *   '#states' => array(
 *     // Show the settings if 'bar' has been selected for 'foo'.
 *     'visible' => array(
 *       ':input[name="foo"]' => array('value' => 'bar'),
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * @endcode
 * @param $elements
 *   A renderable array element having a #states property as described above.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Form\FormHelper::processStates() instead.
 * @see
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Form\FormHelper::processStates()
function drupal_process_states(&$elements) {
    @trigger_error('drupal_process_states() is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Form\\FormHelper::processStates() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

 * Assists in attaching the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table.
 * Draggable tables should be used wherever an outline or list of sortable items
 * needs to be arranged by an end-user. Draggable tables are very flexible and
 * can manipulate the value of form elements placed within individual columns.
 * To set up a table to use drag and drop in place of weight select-lists or in
 * place of a form that contains parent relationships, the form must be themed
 * into a table. The table must have an ID attribute set and it
 * may be set as follows:
 * @code
 * $table = array(
 *   '#type' => 'table',
 *   '#header' => $header,
 *   '#rows' => $rows,
 *   '#attributes' => array(
 *     'id' => 'my-module-table',
 *   ),
 * );
 * return \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($table);
 * @endcode
 * In the theme function for the form, a special class must be added to each
 * form element within the same column, "grouping" them together.
 * In a situation where a single weight column is being sorted in the table, the
 * classes could be added like this (in the theme function):
 * @code
 * $form['my_elements'][$delta]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array('my-elements-weight');
 * @endcode
 * Each row of the table must also have a class of "draggable" in order to
 * enable the drag handles:
 * @code
 * $row = array(...);
 * $rows[] = array(
 *   'data' => $row,
 *   'class' => array('draggable'),
 * );
 * @endcode
 * When tree relationships are present, the two additional classes
 * 'tabledrag-leaf' and 'tabledrag-root' can be used to refine the behavior:
 * - Rows with the 'tabledrag-leaf' class cannot have child rows.
 * - Rows with the 'tabledrag-root' class cannot be nested under a parent row.
 * Calling drupal_attach_tabledrag() would then be written as such:
 * @code
 * drupal_attach_tabledrag('my-module-table', array(
 *   'action' => 'order',
 *   'relationship' => 'sibling',
 *   'group' => 'my-elements-weight',
 * );
 * @endcode
 * In a more complex case where there are several groups in one column (such as
 * the block regions on the admin/structure/block page), a separate subgroup
 * class must also be added to differentiate the groups.
 * @code
 * $form['my_elements'][$region][$delta]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array('my-elements-weight', 'my-elements-weight-' . $region);
 * @endcode
 * The 'group' option is still 'my-element-weight', and the additional
 * 'subgroup' option will be passed in as 'my-elements-weight-' . $region. This
 * also means that you'll need to call drupal_attach_tabledrag() once for every
 * region added.
 * @code
 * foreach ($regions as $region) {
 *   drupal_attach_tabledrag('my-module-table', array(
 *     'action' => 'order',
 *     'relationship' => 'sibling',
 *     'group' => 'my-elements-weight',
 *     'subgroup' => 'my-elements-weight-' . $region,
 *   ));
 * }
 * @endcode
 * In a situation where tree relationships are present, adding multiple
 * subgroups is not necessary, because the table will contain indentations that
 * provide enough information about the sibling and parent relationships. See
 * MenuForm::BuildOverviewForm for an example creating a table
 * containing parent relationships.
 * @param $element
 *   A form element to attach the tableDrag behavior to.
 * @param array $options
 *   These options are used to generate JavaScript settings necessary to
 *   configure the tableDrag behavior appropriately for this particular table.
 *   An associative array containing the following keys:
 *   - 'table_id': String containing the target table's id attribute.
 *     If the table does not have an id, one will need to be set,
 *     such as <table id="my-module-table">.
 *   - 'action': String describing the action to be done on the form item.
 *      Either 'match' 'depth', or 'order':
 *     - 'match' is typically used for parent relationships.
 *     - 'order' is typically used to set weights on other form elements with
 *       the same group.
 *     - 'depth' updates the target element with the current indentation.
 *   - 'relationship': String describing where the "action" option
 *     should be performed. Either 'parent', 'sibling', 'group', or 'self':
 *     - 'parent' will only look for fields up the tree.
 *     - 'sibling' will look for fields in the same group in rows above and
 *       below it.
 *     - 'self' affects the dragged row itself.
 *     - 'group' affects the dragged row, plus any children below it (the entire
 *       dragged group).
 *   - 'group': A class name applied on all related form elements for this action.
 *   - 'subgroup': (optional) If the group has several subgroups within it, this
 *     string should contain the class name identifying fields in the same
 *     subgroup.
 *   - 'source': (optional) If the $action is 'match', this string should contain
 *     the classname identifying what field will be used as the source value
 *     when matching the value in $subgroup.
 *   - 'hidden': (optional) The column containing the field elements may be
 *     entirely hidden from view dynamically when the JavaScript is loaded. Set
 *     to FALSE if the column should not be hidden.
 *   - 'limit': (optional) Limit the maximum amount of parenting in this table.
 * @see MenuForm::BuildOverviewForm()
function drupal_attach_tabledrag(&$element, array $options) {
    // Add default values to elements.
    $options = $options + [
        'subgroup' => NULL,
        'source' => NULL,
        'hidden' => TRUE,
        'limit' => 0,
    $group = $options['group'];
    $tabledrag_id =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    $tabledrag_id = !isset($tabledrag_id) ? 0 : $tabledrag_id + 1;
    // If a subgroup or source isn't set, assume it is the same as the group.
    $target = isset($options['subgroup']) ? $options['subgroup'] : $group;
    $source = isset($options['source']) ? $options['source'] : $target;
    $element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['tableDrag'][$options['table_id']][$group][$tabledrag_id] = [
        'target' => $target,
        'source' => $source,
        'relationship' => $options['relationship'],
        'action' => $options['action'],
        'hidden' => $options['hidden'],
        'limit' => $options['limit'],
    $element['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.tabledrag';

 * Deletes old cached JavaScript files and variables.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll().
 * @see
function drupal_clear_js_cache() {

 * Pre-render callback: Renders a link into #markup.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link::preRenderLink().
function drupal_pre_render_link($element) {
    return Link::preRenderLink($element);

 * Pre-render callback: Collects child links into a single array.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link::preRenderLinks() instead.
 * @see
function drupal_pre_render_links($element) {
    @trigger_error('drupal_pre_render_links() is deprecated in Drupal 8.8.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Render\\Element\\Link::preRenderLinks() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return Link::preRenderLinks($element);

 * Renders final HTML given a structured array tree.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::renderRoot() instead.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::renderRoot()
 * @see
function drupal_render_root(&$elements) {
    @trigger_error('drupal_render_root() is deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Render\\RendererInterface::renderRoot() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($elements);

 * Renders HTML given a structured array tree.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use the
 *   'renderer' service instead.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render()
 * @see
function drupal_render(&$elements, $is_recursive_call = FALSE) {
    return \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($elements, $is_recursive_call);

 * Renders children of an element and concatenates them.
 * @param array $element
 *   The structured array whose children shall be rendered.
 * @param array $children_keys
 *   (optional) If the keys of the element's children are already known, they
 *   can be passed in to save another run of
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children().
 * @return string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface
 *   The rendered HTML of all children of the element.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Avoid early
 *   rendering when possible or loop through the elements and render them as
 *   they are available.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render()
 * @see
function drupal_render_children(&$element, $children_keys = NULL) {
    if ($children_keys === NULL) {
        $children_keys = Element::children($element);
    $output = '';
    foreach ($children_keys as $key) {
        if (!empty($element[$key])) {
            $output .= \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($element[$key]);
    return Markup::create($output);

 * Renders an element.
 * This function renders an element. The top level element is shown with show()
 * before rendering, so it will always be rendered even if hide() had been
 * previously used on it.
 * @param $element
 *   The element to be rendered.
 * @return
 *   The rendered element.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface
 * @see show()
 * @see hide()
function render(&$element) {
    if (!$element && $element !== 0) {
        return NULL;
    if (is_array($element)) {
        // Early return if this element was pre-rendered (no need to re-render).
        if (isset($element['#printed']) && $element['#printed'] == TRUE && isset($element['#markup']) && strlen($element['#markup']) > 0) {
            return $element['#markup'];
        return \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($element);
    else {
        // Safe-guard for inappropriate use of render() on flat variables: return
        // the variable as-is.
        return $element;

 * Hides an element from later rendering.
 * The first time render() or drupal_render() is called on an element tree,
 * as each element in the tree is rendered, it is marked with a #printed flag
 * and the rendered children of the element are cached. Subsequent calls to
 * render() or drupal_render() will not traverse the child tree of this element
 * again: they will just use the cached children. So if you want to hide an
 * element, be sure to call hide() on the element before its parent tree is
 * rendered for the first time, as it will have no effect on subsequent
 * renderings of the parent tree.
 * @param $element
 *   The element to be hidden.
 * @return
 *   The element.
 * @see render()
 * @see show()
function hide(&$element) {
    $element['#printed'] = TRUE;
    return $element;

 * Shows a hidden element for later rendering.
 * You can also use render($element), which shows the element while rendering
 * it.
 * The first time render() or drupal_render() is called on an element tree,
 * as each element in the tree is rendered, it is marked with a #printed flag
 * and the rendered children of the element are cached. Subsequent calls to
 * render() or drupal_render() will not traverse the child tree of this element
 * again: they will just use the cached children. So if you want to show an
 * element, be sure to call show() on the element before its parent tree is
 * rendered for the first time, as it will have no effect on subsequent
 * renderings of the parent tree.
 * @param $element
 *   The element to be shown.
 * @return
 *   The element.
 * @see render()
 * @see hide()
function show(&$element) {
    $element['#printed'] = FALSE;
    return $element;

 * Retrieves the default properties for the defined element type.
 * @param $type
 *   An element type as defined by an element plugin.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfo() instead.
 * @see
function element_info($type) {
    return \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfo($type);

 * Retrieves a single property for the defined element type.
 * @param $type
 *   An element type as defined by an element plugin.
 * @param $property_name
 *   The property within the element type that should be returned.
 * @param $default
 *   (Optional) The value to return if the element type does not specify a
 *   value for the property. Defaults to NULL.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0.
 *   Use \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfoProperty() instead.
 * @see
function element_info_property($type, $property_name, $default = NULL) {
    return \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfoProperty($type, $property_name, $default);

 * Flushes all persistent caches, resets all variables, and rebuilds all data structures.
 * At times, it is necessary to re-initialize the entire system to account for
 * changed or new code. This function:
 * - Clears all persistent caches:
 *   - The bootstrap cache bin containing base system, module system, and theme
 *     system information.
 *   - The common 'default' cache bin containing arbitrary caches.
 *   - The page cache.
 *   - The URL alias path cache.
 * - Resets all static variables that have been defined via drupal_static().
 * - Clears asset (JS/CSS) file caches.
 * - Updates the system with latest information about extensions (modules and
 *   themes).
 * - Updates the bootstrap flag for modules implementing bootstrap_hooks().
 * - Rebuilds the full database schema information (invoking hook_schema()).
 * - Rebuilds data structures of all modules (invoking hook_rebuild()). In
 *   core this means
 *   - blocks, node types, date formats and actions are synchronized with the
 *     database
 *   - The 'active' status of fields is refreshed.
 * - Rebuilds the menu router.
 * This means the entire system is reset so all caches and static variables are
 * effectively empty. After that is guaranteed, information about the currently
 * active code is updated, and rebuild operations are successively called in
 * order to synchronize the active system according to the current information
 * defined in code.
 * All modules need to ensure that all of their caches are flushed when
 * hook_cache_flush() is invoked; any previously known information must no
 * longer exist. All following hook_rebuild() operations must be based on fresh
 * and current system data. All modules must be able to rely on this contract.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheHelper::getBins()
 * @see hook_cache_flush()
 * @see hook_rebuild()
 * This function also resets the theme, which means it is not initialized
 * anymore and all previously added JavaScript and CSS is gone. Normally, this
 * function is called as an end-of-POST-request operation that is followed by a
 * redirect, so this effect is not visible. Since the full reset is the whole
 * point of this function, callers need to take care for backing up all needed
 * variables and properly restoring or re-initializing them on their own. For
 * convenience, this function automatically re-initializes the maintenance theme
 * if it was initialized before.
 * @todo Try to clear page/JS/CSS caches last, so cached pages can still be
 *   served during this possibly long-running operation. (Conflict on bootstrap
 *   cache though.)
 * @todo Add a global lock to ensure that caches are not primed in concurrent
 *   requests.
function drupal_flush_all_caches() {
    $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
    // Flush all persistent caches.
    // This is executed based on old/previously known information, which is
    // sufficient, since new extensions cannot have any primed caches yet.
    foreach (Cache::getBins() as $service_id => $cache_backend) {
    // Flush asset file caches.
    // Reset all static caches.
    // Invalidate the container.
    // Wipe the Twig PHP Storage cache.
    // Rebuild module and theme data.
    $module_data = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->reset()
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler */
    $theme_handler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');
    // In case the active theme gets requested later in the same request we need
    // to reset the theme manager.
    // Rebuild and reboot a new kernel. A simple DrupalKernel reboot is not
    // sufficient, since the list of enabled modules might have been adjusted
    // above due to changed code.
    $files = [];
    $modules = [];
    foreach ($module_data as $name => $extension) {
        if ($extension->status) {
            $files[$name] = $extension;
            $modules[$name] = $extension->weight;
    $modules = module_config_sort($modules);
    \Drupal::service('kernel')->updateModules($modules, $files);
    // New container, new module handler.
    $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
    // Ensure that all modules that are currently supposed to be enabled are
    // actually loaded.
    // Rebuild all information based on new module data.
    // Clear all plugin caches.
    // Rebuild the menu router based on all rebuilt data.
    // Important: This rebuild must happen last, so the menu router is guaranteed
    // to be based on up to date information.
    // Re-initialize the maintenance theme, if the current request attempted to
    // use it. Unlike regular usages of this function, the installer and update
    // scripts need to flush all caches during GET requests/page building.
    if (function_exists('_drupal_maintenance_theme')) {

 * Changes the dummy query string added to all CSS and JavaScript files.
 * Changing the dummy query string appended to CSS and JavaScript files forces
 * all browsers to reload fresh files.
function _drupal_flush_css_js() {
    // The timestamp is converted to base 36 in order to make it more compact.
    Drupal::state()->set('system.css_js_query_string', base_convert(REQUEST_TIME, 10, 36));

 * Outputs debug information.
 * The debug information is passed on to trigger_error() after being converted
 * to a string using _drupal_debug_message().
 * @param $data
 *   Data to be output.
 * @param $label
 *   Label to prefix the data.
 * @param $print_r
 *   Flag to switch between print_r() and var_export() for data conversion to
 *   string. Set $print_r to FALSE to use var_export() instead of print_r().
 *   Passing recursive data structures to var_export() will generate an error.
function debug($data, $label = NULL, $print_r = TRUE) {
    // Print $data contents to string.
    $string = Html::escape($print_r ? print_r($data, TRUE) : var_export($data, TRUE));
    // Display values with pre-formatting to increase readability.
    $string = '<pre>' . $string . '</pre>';
    trigger_error(trim($label ? "{$label}: {$string}" : $string));

 * Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency.
 * @param $v
 *   A parsed dependency structure e.g. from ModuleHandler::parseDependency().
 * @param $current_version
 *   The version to check against (like 4.2).
 * @return
 *   NULL if compatible, otherwise the original dependency version string that
 *   caused the incompatibility.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Extension\Dependency::isCompatible() instead.
 * @see
function drupal_check_incompatibility($v, $current_version) {
    @trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Extension\\Dependency::isCompatible() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    if (!empty($v['versions'])) {
        foreach ($v['versions'] as $required_version) {
            if (isset($required_version['op']) && !version_compare($current_version, $required_version['version'], $required_version['op'])) {
                return $v['original_version'];

 * Returns a string of supported archive extensions.
 * @return string
 *   A space-separated string of extensions suitable for use by the file
 *   validation system.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal\Core\Archiver\ArchiverManager::getExtensions() instead.
 * @see
function archiver_get_extensions() {
    @trigger_error('archiver_get_extensions() is deprecated in Drupal 8.8.0 and will be removed in Drupal 9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Archiver\\ArchiverManager::getExtensions() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.archiver')->getExtensions();

 * Creates the appropriate archiver for the specified file.
 * @param string $file
 *   The full path of the archive file. Note that stream wrapper paths are
 *   supported, but not remote ones.
 * @return \Drupal\Core\Archiver\ArchiverInterface|false
 *   A newly created instance of the archiver class appropriate for the
 *   specified file, already bound to that file. If no appropriate archiver
 *   class was found, will return FALSE.
 * @throws \Exception
 *   If a remote stream wrapper path was passed.
 * @deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Instead,
 *   get plugin.manager.archiver service from container and call getInstance()
 *   method on it. For example $archiver->getInstance(['filepath' => $file]);
 * @see
function archiver_get_archiver($file) {
    @trigger_error('archiver_get_archiver() is deprecated in Drupal 8.8.0 and will be removed in Drupal 9.0.x. Instead, get plugin.manager.archiver service from container and call getInstance() method on it. For example $archiver->getInstance(["filepath" => $file]); See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    // Archivers can only work on local paths
    $filepath = \Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($file);
    if (!is_file($filepath)) {
        throw new Exception("Archivers can only operate on local files: '{$file}' not supported");
    return \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.archiver')->getInstance([
        'filepath' => $filepath,

 * Assembles the Drupal Updater registry.
 * An Updater is a class that knows how to update various parts of the Drupal
 * file system, for example to update modules that have newer releases, or to
 * install a new theme.
 * @return array
 *   The Drupal Updater class registry.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Updater\Updater
 * @see hook_updater_info()
 * @see hook_updater_info_alter()
function drupal_get_updaters() {
    $updaters =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($updaters)) {
        $updaters = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('updater_info');
        \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('updater_info', $updaters);
        uasort($updaters, [
    return $updaters;

 * Assembles the Drupal FileTransfer registry.
 * @return
 *   The Drupal FileTransfer class registry.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\FileTransfer\FileTransfer
 * @see hook_filetransfer_info()
 * @see hook_filetransfer_info_alter()
function drupal_get_filetransfer_info() {
    $info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($info)) {
        $info = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('filetransfer_info');
        \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('filetransfer_info', $info);
        uasort($info, [
    return $info;


Title Deprecated Summary

in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Instead, get plugin.manager.archiver service from container and call getInstance() method on it. For example $archiver->getInstance(['filepath' => $file]);

Creates the appropriate archiver for the specified file.

in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Archiver\ArchiverManager::getExtensions() instead.

Returns a string of supported archive extensions.
base_path Returns the base URL path (i.e., directory) of the Drupal installation.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() or UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() instead. UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() can be used in conjunction with \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup and an @variable placeholder which will perform the necessary escaping. UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol() is functionality equivalent to check_url() apart from the fact it is protected from double escaping bugs. Note that this method no longer marks its output as safe.

Strips dangerous protocols from a URI and encodes it for output to HTML.

in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use date('c', $date) instead.

Returns an ISO8601 formatted date based on the given date.
debug Outputs debug information.
drupal_attach_tabledrag Assists in attaching the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table.

in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Extension\Dependency::isCompatible() instead.

Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll().

Deletes old cached CSS files.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll().

Deletes old cached JavaScript files and variables.
drupal_flush_all_caches Flushes all persistent caches, resets all variables, and rebuilds all data structures.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use the redirect.destination service.

Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter.
drupal_get_filetransfer_info Assembles the Drupal FileTransfer registry.
drupal_get_updaters Assembles the Drupal Updater registry.

in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor::formatHttpHeaderAttributes() instead.

Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header.
drupal_js_defaults Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for JavaScript assets.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link::preRenderLink().

Pre-render callback: Renders a link into #markup.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link::preRenderLinks() instead.

Pre-render callback: Collects child links into a single array.

in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Form\FormHelper::processStates() instead.

Adds JavaScript to change the state of an element based on another element.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use the 'renderer' service instead.

Renders HTML given a structured array tree.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Avoid early rendering when possible or loop through the elements and render them as they are available.

Renders children of an element and concatenates them.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::renderRoot() instead.

Renders final HTML given a structured array tree.

in drupal:8.7.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Component\Utility\Environment::setTimeLimit() instead.

Attempts to set the PHP maximum execution time.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfo() instead.

Retrieves the default properties for the defined element type.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfoProperty() instead.

Retrieves a single property for the defined element type.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format().

Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
format_size Generates a string representation for the given byte count.
hide Hides an element from later rendering.
render Renders an element.
show Shows a hidden element for later rendering.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('email.validator')->isValid().

Verifies the syntax of the given email address.
_drupal_flush_css_js Changes the dummy query string added to all CSS and JavaScript files.


Title Deprecated Summary
CSS_AGGREGATE_DEFAULT The default aggregation group for CSS files added to the page.
CSS_AGGREGATE_THEME The default aggregation group for theme CSS files added to the page.
CSS_BASE The default weight for CSS rules that style HTML elements ("base" styles).
CSS_COMPONENT The default weight for CSS rules that style design components (and their associated states and themes.)
CSS_LAYOUT The default weight for CSS rules that layout a page.
CSS_STATE The default weight for CSS rules that style states and are not included with components.
CSS_THEME The default weight for CSS rules that style themes and are not included with components.
JS_DEFAULT The default group for module JavaScript code added to the page.
JS_LIBRARY The default group for JavaScript and jQuery libraries added to the page.
JS_SETTING The default group for JavaScript settings added to the page.
JS_THEME The default group for theme JavaScript code added to the page.

in drupal:8.0.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoItem::DELIMITER instead.

The delimiter used to split plural strings.
SAVED_DELETED Return status for saving which deleted an existing item.
SAVED_NEW Return status for saving which involved creating a new item.
SAVED_UPDATED Return status for saving which involved an update to an existing item.

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