class DevelMailLog

Same name in other branches
  1. 4.x src/Plugin/Mail/DevelMailLog.php \Drupal\devel\Plugin\Mail\DevelMailLog
  2. 5.x src/Plugin/Mail/DevelMailLog.php \Drupal\devel\Plugin\Mail\DevelMailLog

Logs mail messages to the filesystem.


Expanded class hierarchy of DevelMailLog


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class DevelMailLog extends DefaultMailSystem {
     * Converts a message array to a string.
     * @param $message
     *   The message array containing the body and headers.
     * @return
     *   The message as it will be printed in the file.
    public function composeMessage($message) {
        $mimeheaders = array();
        $message['headers']['To'] = $message['to'];
        foreach ($message['headers'] as $name => $value) {
            $mimeheaders[] = $name . ': ' . mime_header_encode($value);
        $line_endings = variable_get('mail_line_endings', MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS);
        $output = join($line_endings, $mimeheaders) . $line_endings;
        // 'Subject:' is a mail header and should not be translated.
        $output .= 'Subject: ' . $message['subject'] . $line_endings;
        // Blank line to separate headers from body.
        $output .= $line_endings;
        $output .= preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', $line_endings, $message['body']);
        return $output;
     * Gets a filename for a message using tokens.
     * @param $message
     *   The message that will supply values for token replacement.
     * @return
     *   The full path and filename after token replacement.
    public function getFileName($message) {
        $output_directory = $this->getOutputDirectory();
        $output_file_format = variable_get('devel_debug_mail_file_format', '%to-%subject-%datetime.mail.txt');
        $tokens = array(
            '%to' => $message['to'],
            '%subject' => $message['subject'],
            '%datetime' => date('y-m-d_his'),
        return $output_directory . '/' . $this->dirify(str_replace(array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $output_file_format));
     * Convert a string to a valid directory name.
     * @return
     *   The sanitized string, replacing any characters not whitelisted with "_".
    private function dirify($string) {
        return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.@]/', '_', $string);
     * Save a mail message to a file using Drupal variables and default settings.
     * @param $message
     *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter().
     * @return
     *   TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted, otherwise FALSE.
     * @see
     * @see drupal_mail()
    public function mail(array $message) {
        $output = $this->composeMessage($message);
        $output_file = $this->getFileName($message);
        return file_put_contents($output_file, $output);
     * Creates the directory to contain the message file if necessary.
     * @throws Exception
     *   Exception thrown when unable to create the destination directory.
    protected function makeOutputDirectory($output_directory) {
        if (!file_prepare_directory($output_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to continue sending mail, {$output_directory} is not writable");
     * Retrieves the directory that contains message files.
     * @return
     *   The path to mail messages, possibly using a file URI scheme.
    public function getOutputDirectory() {
        return variable_get('devel_debug_mail_directory', 'temporary://devel-mails');



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title
DefaultMailSystem::format public function Concatenate and wrap the e-mail body for plain-text mails. Overrides MailSystemInterface::format
DefaultMailSystem::_isShellSafe protected static function Disallows potentially unsafe shell characters.
DevelMailLog::composeMessage public function Converts a message array to a string.
DevelMailLog::dirify private function Convert a string to a valid directory name.
DevelMailLog::getFileName public function Gets a filename for a message using tokens.
DevelMailLog::getOutputDirectory public function Retrieves the directory that contains message files.
DevelMailLog::mail public function Save a mail message to a file using Drupal variables and default settings. Overrides DefaultMailSystem::mail
DevelMailLog::makeOutputDirectory protected function Creates the directory to contain the message file if necessary.