function ctools_object_cache_clear

Remove an object from the non-volatile ctools cache.


$obj: A 128 character or less string to define what kind of object is being stored; primarily this is used to prevent collisions.

$name: The name of the object being removed.

$sid: The session id, allowing someone to use Session API or their own solution; defaults to session_id().

8 calls to ctools_object_cache_clear()
CtoolsObjectCache::testObjectStorage in tests/object_cache.test
ctools_ajax_sample_cache_clear in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
Clear the wizard cache.
ctools_cache_simple_cache_clear in plugins/cache/
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_clear in plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
Clear the object cache for the currently edited item.
ctools_object_cache_set in includes/
Store an object in the non-volatile ctools cache.

... See full list


includes/, line 108


function ctools_object_cache_clear($obj, $name, $sid = NULL) {
    if (!$sid) {
        $sid = session_id();
    db_delete('ctools_object_cache')->condition('sid', $sid)
        ->condition('obj', $obj)
        ->condition('name', md5($name))
    // Ensure the static cache is emptied of this obj:name set.