function ctools_get_roles

Get a list of roles in the system.

Return value

An array of role names keyed by role ID.


user_roles() should be used instead.

5 calls to ctools_get_roles()
CtoolsModuleTestCase::testGetUserRoles in tests/ctools.test
Test that the (deprecated) getuserroles returns expected array.
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_settings in ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/
Settings form for the 'by role' access plugin.
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_summary in ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/
Provide a summary description based upon the checked roles.
ctools_role_ctools_access_settings in plugins/access/
Settings form for the 'by role' access plugin.
ctools_role_ctools_access_summary in plugins/access/
Provide a summary description based upon the checked roles.


./ctools.module, line 281


function ctools_get_roles() {
    return user_roles();