function views_plugin_display_page::options_validate

Overrides views_plugin_display::options_validate


plugins/, line 524


The plugin that handles a full page.


public function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
    // It is very important to call the parent function here.
    parent::options_validate($form, $form_state);
    switch ($form_state['section']) {
        case 'path':
            $skip = FALSE;
            if (!isset($form_state['values']['path'])) {
                $skip = TRUE;
            if (!$skip && strpos($form_state['values']['path'], '$arg') !== FALSE) {
                form_error($form['path'], t('"$arg" is no longer supported. Use % instead.'));
            if (!$skip && strpos($form_state['values']['path'], '%') === 0) {
                form_error($form['path'], t('"%" may not be used for the first segment of a path.'));
            // Automatically remove '/' and trailing whitespace from path.
            $form_state['values']['path'] = trim($form_state['values']['path'], '/ ');
        case 'menu':
            $skip = FALSE;
            $path = $this->get_option('path');
            if (!isset($path)) {
                $skip = TRUE;
            if (!$skip && $form_state['values']['menu']['type'] == 'normal' && strpos($path, '%') !== FALSE) {
                form_error($form['menu']['type'], t('Views cannot create normal menu items for paths with a % in them.'));
            if ($form_state['values']['menu']['type'] == 'default tab' || $form_state['values']['menu']['type'] == 'tab') {
                $bits = explode('/', $path);
                $last = array_pop($bits);
                if ($last == '%') {
                    form_error($form['menu']['type'], t('A display whose path ends with a % cannot be a tab.'));
            if ($form_state['values']['menu']['type'] != 'none' && empty($form_state['values']['menu']['title'])) {
                form_error($form['menu']['title'], t('Title is required for this menu type.'));