function views_plugin_argument_default::convert_options

Convert options from the older style.

In Views 3, the method of storing default argument options has changed and each plugin now gets its own silo. This method can be used to move arguments from the old style to the new style. See views_plugin_argument_default_fixed for a good example of this method.

1 call to views_plugin_argument_default::convert_options()
views_plugin_argument_default::init in plugins/
Initialize this plugin with the view and the argument it is linked to.
3 methods override views_plugin_argument_default::convert_options()
views_plugin_argument_default_fixed::convert_options in plugins/
Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_default_php::convert_options in plugins/
Convert options from the older style.
views_plugin_argument_default_user::convert_options in modules/user/
Convert options from the older style.


plugins/, line 96


The fixed argument default handler; also used as the base.


public function convert_options(&$options) {