function views_plugin_access::option_definition

Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.

Overrides views_object::option_definition

4 calls to views_plugin_access::option_definition()
views_plugin_access_perm::option_definition in plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_plugin_access_role::option_definition in plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_test_plugin_access_test_dynamic::option_definition in tests/test_plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_test_plugin_access_test_static::option_definition in tests/test_plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
4 methods override views_plugin_access::option_definition()
views_plugin_access_perm::option_definition in plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_plugin_access_role::option_definition in plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_test_plugin_access_test_dynamic::option_definition in tests/test_plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.
views_test_plugin_access_test_static::option_definition in tests/test_plugins/
Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin.


plugins/, line 43


The base plugin to handle access control.


public function option_definition() {
    return array();