function view::fix_missing_relationships

Attempt to discover if the view has handlers missing relationships.

This will try to add relationships automatically if it can, and will remove the handlers if it cannot.

1 call to view::fix_missing_relationships()
view::init_handlers in includes/
Acquire and attach all of the handlers.


includes/, line 638


An object to contain all of the data to generate a view.


public function fix_missing_relationships() {
    if (isset($this->relationships_fixed)) {
    $this->relationships_fixed = TRUE;
    // Go through all of our handler types and test them to see if they
    // are missing relationships. Missing relationships can cause fatally
    // broken Views.
    $base_tables = array(
        $this->base_table => TRUE,
        '#global' => TRUE,
    // For each relationship we have, make sure we mark the base it provides as
    // available.
    foreach ($this->display_handler
        ->get_option('relationships') as $options) {
        $options['table'] = views_move_table($options['table']);
        $data = views_fetch_data($options['table'], FALSE);
        if (isset($data[$options['field']]['relationship']['base'])) {
            $base_tables[$data[$options['field']]['relationship']['base']] = TRUE;
    $base_tables = array_keys($base_tables);
    $missing_base_tables = array();
    $types = views_object_types();
    foreach ($types as $key => $info) {
        foreach ($this->display_handler
            ->get_option($info['plural']) as $id => $options) {
            $options['table'] = views_move_table($options['table']);
            $data = views_fetch_data($options['table'], FALSE);
            $valid_bases = array(
            if (isset($data['table']['join'])) {
                $valid_bases = array_merge($valid_bases, array_keys($data['table']['join']));
            // If the base table is missing, record it so we can try to fix it.
            if (!array_intersect($valid_bases, $base_tables)) {
                $missing_base_tables[$options['table']][] = array(
                    'type' => $key,
                    'id' => $id,
    if (!empty($missing_base_tables)) {
        // This will change handlers, so make sure any existing handlers get
        // tossed.
        $this->display_handler->handlers = array();
        $this->relationships_changed = TRUE;
        $this->changed = TRUE;
        // Try to fix it.
        foreach ($missing_base_tables as $table => $handlers) {
            $data = views_fetch_data($table);
            $relationship = NULL;
            // Does the missing base table have a default relationship we can
            // throw in?
            if (isset($data['table']['default_relationship'][$this->base_table])) {
                // Create the relationship.
                $info = $data['table']['default_relationship'][$this->base_table];
                $relationship_options = isset($info['options']) ? $info['options'] : array();
                $relationship = $this->add_item($this->current_display, 'relationship', $info['table'], $info['field'], $relationship_options);
            foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
                $options = $this->display_handler
                if ($relationship) {
                    $options[$handler['id']]['relationship'] = $relationship;
                else {
                    ->set_option($types[$handler['type']]['plural'], $options);