function views_handler_field::query

Called to add the field to a query.

1 call to views_handler_field::query()
views_handler_field_history_user_timestamp::query in modules/node/
Called to add the field to a query.
22 methods override views_handler_field::query()
views_handler_field_broken::query in handlers/
Called to add the field to a query.
views_handler_field_counter::query in handlers/
Called to add the field to a query.
views_handler_field_custom::query in handlers/
Called to add the field to a query.
views_handler_field_entity::query in handlers/
Overriden to add the field for the entity id.
views_handler_field_field::query in modules/field/
Called to add the field to a query.

... See full list


handlers/, line 119


Base field handler that has no options and renders an unformatted field.


public function query() {
    // Add the field.
    $params = $this->options['group_type'] != 'group' ? array(
        'function' => $this->options['group_type'],
    ) : array();
    $this->field_alias = $this->query
        ->add_field($this->table_alias, $this->real_field, NULL, $params);