function views_handler_argument::default_actions

List of default behaviors for this argument if the argument is not present.

Override this method to provide additional (or fewer) default behaviors.

11 calls to views_handler_argument::default_actions()
views_handler_argument::default_action in handlers/
Handle the default action, which means our argument wasn't present.
views_handler_argument::has_default_argument in handlers/
Determine if the argument is set to provide a default argument.
views_handler_argument::needs_style_plugin in handlers/
Determine if the argument needs a style plugin.
views_handler_argument::options_form in handlers/
Build the options form.
views_handler_argument::uses_breadcrumb in handlers/
Determine if the argument can generate a breadcrumb.

... See full list

4 methods override views_handler_argument::default_actions()
views_handler_argument_comment_user_uid::default_actions in modules/comment/
List of default behaviors for this argument if the argument is not present.
views_handler_argument_null::default_actions in handlers/
Override default_actions() to remove actions that don't make sense for a null argument.
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth::default_actions in modules/taxonomy/
Override default_actions() to remove summary actions.
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth_join::default_actions in modules/taxonomy/
Override default_actions() to remove summary actions.


handlers/, line 537


Base class for arguments.


public function default_actions($which = NULL) {
    $defaults = array(
        'ignore' => array(
            'title' => t('Display all results for the specified field'),
            'method' => 'default_ignore',
            // Generate a breadcrumb to here.
'breadcrumb' => TRUE,
        'default' => array(
            'title' => t('Provide default value'),
            'method' => 'default_default',
            'form method' => 'default_argument_form',
            'has default argument' => TRUE,
            // This can only be used for missing argument, not validation failure.
'default only' => TRUE,
            // Generate a breadcrumb to here.
'breadcrumb' => TRUE,
        'not found' => array(
            'title' => t('Hide view'),
            'method' => 'default_not_found',
            // This is a hard fail condition.
'hard fail' => TRUE,
        'summary' => array(
            'title' => t('Display a summary'),
            'method' => 'default_summary',
            'form method' => 'default_summary_form',
            'style plugin' => TRUE,
            // Generate a breadcrumb to here.
'breadcrumb' => TRUE,
        'empty' => array(
            'title' => t('Display contents of "No results found"'),
            'method' => 'default_empty',
            // Generate a breadcrumb to here.
'breadcrumb' => TRUE,
        'access denied' => array(
            'title' => t('Display "Access Denied"'),
            'method' => 'default_access_denied',
            // Generate a breadcrumb to here.
'breadcrumb' => FALSE,
    if ($this->view->display_handler
        ->has_path()) {
        $defaults['not found']['title'] = t('Show "Page not found"');
    if ($which) {
        if (!empty($defaults[$which])) {
            return $defaults[$which];
    else {
        return $defaults;