36 calls to rules_get_cache()
- RulesData::typesMatch in includes/
rules.state.inc - Returns whether the type match. They match if type1 is compatible to type2.
- RulesDataInputEvaluator::getEvaluatorOptions in includes/
rules.processor.inc - Generates the evaluator $options.
- RulesDataUI::selectionForm in ui/
ui.data.inc - Provides the selection form for a parameter.
- RulesExtendable::setUp in includes/
rules.core.inc - RulesIntegrationTestCase::testAccessCallbacks in tests/
rules.test - Just makes sure the access callback run without errors.
- RulesPluginUI::getDataTypeClass in ui/
ui.core.inc - Returns the name of class for the given data type.
- RulesSchedulerDefaultTaskHandler::runTask in rules_scheduler/
includes/ rules_scheduler.handler.inc - Implements RulesSchedulerTaskHandlerInterface::runTask().
- RulesTestCase::testClassBasedActions in tests/
rules.test - Tests making use of class based actions.
- RulesTestCase::testDependencies in tests/
rules.test - Tests handling dependencies.
- RulesTriggerTestCase::testBasicReactionRule in tests/
rules.test - Tests creating and triggering a basic reaction rule.
- RulesUIController::overviewTable in ui/
ui.controller.inc - Generates the render array for an overview configuration table.
- rules_action_data_create in modules/
data.eval.inc - Action: Create data.
- rules_action_data_create_info_alter in modules/
data.eval.inc - Info alteration callback for data create action.
- rules_action_variable_add_info_alter in modules/
data.eval.inc - Info alteration callback for variable add action.
- rules_admin_component_options in rules_admin/
rules_admin.inc - rules_admin_settings_cache_rebuild_submit in rules_admin/
rules_admin.inc - Form submit callback: Rebuild the Rules' cache.
- rules_data_action_data_create_options in modules/
data.rules.inc - Options list callback for data create action.
- rules_element_invoke_component in modules/
rules_core.eval.inc - Action and condition callback: Invokes a rules component.
- rules_get_components in ./
rules.module - Returns an array of configured components.
- rules_get_title in ./
rules.module - Menu callback for getting the title as configured.
- rules_invoke_component in ./
rules.module - Invokes a rule component, e.g. a rule set.
- rules_invoke_event in ./
rules.module - Invokes configured rules for the given event.
- rules_invoke_event_by_args in ./
rules.module - Invokes configured rules for the given event.
- rules_menu_add_element_title in ./
rules.module - Menu callback for getting the title for the add element page.
- rules_php_evaluator_help in modules/
php.rules.inc - Generates help for the PHP actions, conditions and input evaluator.
- rules_plugin_factory in ./
rules.module - Creates a new instance of a the given rules plugin.
- rules_scheduler_action_schedule in rules_scheduler/
rules_scheduler.rules.inc - Base action implementation for scheduling components.
- rules_scheduler_action_schedule_info_alter in rules_scheduler/
rules_scheduler.rules.inc - Info alteration callback for the schedule action.
- rules_token_info in ./
rules.module - Implements hook_token_info().
- rules_ui_add_element in ui/
ui.forms.inc - Add a new element a rules configuration.
- rules_unwrap_data in ./
rules.module - Unwraps the given data, if it's wrapped.
- rules_update_7214 in ./
rules.install - Switch out the rules_event_whitelist variable for a cache equivalent.
- rules_upgrade_plugin_factory in includes/
rules.upgrade.inc - Creates the right element.
- rules_wrap_data in ./
rules.module - Wraps the given data.
- _rules_import_get_plugin in includes/
rules.core.inc - Determines the plugin to be used for importing a child element.
- _rules_system_token_map_type in modules/
system.eval.inc - Looks for a token type mapping. Defaults to passing through the type.