8 calls to rules_config_update_dirty_flag()
- RulesEvaluationException::__construct in includes/
rules.core.inc - Constructor.
- RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache in includes/
rules.plugins.inc - Rebuilds the event cache.
- RulesPlugin::save in includes/
rules.core.inc - Saves the configuration to the database.
- RulesPluginUI::buildContent in ui/
ui.core.inc - Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
- rules_admin_settings_integrity_check_submit in rules_admin/
rules_admin.inc - Form submit callback to check the integrity of all configurations.
- rules_element_invoke_component_validate in modules/
rules_core.rules.inc - Validate callback to make sure the invoked component exists and is not dirty.
- rules_scheduler_action_schedule_validate in rules_scheduler/
rules_scheduler.rules.inc - Validate callback for the schedule action.
- _rules_rebuild_component_cache in ./
rules.module - Cache components to allow efficient usage via rules_invoke_component().