function SimpleTestUnitTestExampleTestCase::testSimpleTestUnitTestExampleFunction

Test simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date().

Note that no environment is provided; we're just testing the correct behavior of a function when passed specific arguments.


simpletest_example/simpletest_example.test, line 173


Although most core test cases are based on DrupalWebTestCase and are functional tests (exercising the web UI) we also have DrupalUnitTestCase, which executes much faster because a Drupal install does not have to be one. No environment is provided to a…


public function testSimpleTestUnitTestExampleFunction() {
    $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date(NULL);
    // Note that test assertion messages should never be translated, so
    // this string is not wrapped in t().
    $message = 'A NULL value should return TRUE.';
    $this->assertTrue($result, $message);
    $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date('');
    $message = 'An empty string should return TRUE.';
    $this->assertTrue($result, $message);
    $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date('0000-00-00');
    $message = 'An "empty" MySQL DATE should return TRUE.';
    $this->assertTrue($result, $message);
    $result = simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date(date('Y-m-d'));
    $message = 'A valid date should return FALSE.';
    $this->assertFalse($result, $message);