
Same filename in other branches
  1. 3.x modules/events_example/src/Event/IncidentEvents.php





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namespace Drupal\events_example\Event;

 * Defines events for the events_example module.
 * It is best practice define the unique names for events as constants on a
 * class. This provides a place for documentation of the events. As well as
 * allowing the event dispatcher to use the constants instead of hard coding a
 * string.
 * In this example we're defining one new event:
 * 'events_example.new_incident_report'. This event will be dispatched by the
 * form controller \Drupal\events_example\Form\EventsExampleForm whenever a new
 * incident is reported. If your application dispatches more than one event
 * you can use a single class to document multiple events. Just add a new
 * constant for each. Group related events together with a single class, define
 * another class for unrelated events.
 * The docblock for each event constant should contain an "@Event" tag. This is
 * used to ensure documentation parsing tools can gather and list all events.
 * For example,
 * The docblock should also contain a description of when, and
 * under what conditions, the event is triggered. A module developer should be
 * able to read this description in order to determine whether or not this is
 * the event that they want to subscribe to.
 * This class is declared as final so that it can not be extended. It should
 * only ever be used to provide unique event names, and documentation.
 * In core \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigCrudEvent is a good example of defining and
 * documenting new events.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigCrudEvent
 * @ingroup events_example
final class IncidentEvents {
     * Name of the event fired when a new incident is reported.
     * This event allows modules to perform an action whenever a new incident is
     * reported via the incident report form. The event listener method receives a
     * \Drupal\events_example\Event\IncidentReportEvent instance.
     * @Event
     * @see \Drupal\events_example\Event\IncidentReportEvent
     * @var string
    const NEW_REPORT = 'events_example.new_incident_report';



Title Deprecated Summary
IncidentEvents Defines events for the events_example module.