function UpdateTestContribCase::testHookUpdateStatusAlter

Checks that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.

We provide the same external data as if aaa_update_test 7.x-1.0 were installed and that was the latest release. Then we use hook_update_status_alter() to try to mark this as missing a security update, then assert if we see the appropriate warnings on the right pages.


modules/update/update.test, line 641


Tests behavior related to handling updates to contributed modules and themes.


function testHookUpdateStatusAlter() {
    variable_set('allow_authorize_operations', TRUE);
    $update_admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
        'administer site configuration',
        'administer software updates',
    $system_info = array(
        '#all' => array(
            'version' => '7.0',
        'aaa_update_test' => array(
            'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
            'version' => '7.x-1.0',
            'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $update_status = array(
        'aaa_update_test' => array(
            'status' => UPDATE_NOT_SECURE,
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', $update_status);
        'drupal' => '0',
        'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), ''), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');
    // Visit the reports page again without the altering and make sure the
    // status is back to normal.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', array());
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), ''), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');
    // Turn the altering back on and visit the Update manager UI.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', $update_status);
    $this->assertText(t('Security update'));
    // Turn the altering back off and visit the Update manager UI.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', array());
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update'));

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