function LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::testCommentLanguage

Test that comment language is properly set.


modules/locale/locale.test, line 2943


Functional tests for comment language.


function testCommentLanguage() {
    // Create two nodes, one for english and one for french, and comment each
    // node using both english and french as content language by changing URL
    // language prefixes. Meanwhile interface language is always French, which
    // is the user language preference. This way we can ensure that node
    // language and interface language do not influence comment language, as
    // only content language has to.
    foreach (language_list() as $node_langcode => $node_language) {
        $language_none = LANGUAGE_NONE;
        // Create "Article" content.
        $title = $this->randomName();
        $edit = array(
            "title" => $title,
            "body[{$language_none}][0][value]" => $this->randomName(),
            "language" => $node_langcode,
        $this->drupalPost("node/add/article", $edit, t('Save'));
        $node = $this->drupalGetNodeByTitle($title);
        foreach (language_list() as $langcode => $language) {
            // Post a comment with content language $langcode.
            $prefix = empty($language->prefix) ? '' : $language->prefix . '/';
            $comment_values[$node_langcode][$langcode] = $this->randomName();
            // Initially field form widgets have no language.
            $edit = array(
                'subject' => $this->randomName(),
                "comment_body[{$language_none}][0][value]" => $comment_values[$node_langcode][$langcode],
            $this->drupalPost("{$prefix}node/{$node->nid}", $edit, t('Preview'));
            // After the first submit the submitted entity language is taken into
            // account.
            $edit = array(
                'subject' => $edit['subject'],
                "comment_body[{$langcode}][0][value]" => $comment_values[$node_langcode][$langcode],
            $this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
            // Check that comment language matches the current content language.
            $cid = db_select('comment', 'c')->fields('c', array(
                ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
                ->orderBy('cid', 'DESC')
                ->range(0, 1)
            $comment = comment_load($cid);
            $comment_langcode = entity_language('comment', $comment);
            $args = array(
                '%node_language' => $node_langcode,
                '%comment_language' => $comment_langcode,
                '%langcode' => $langcode,
            $this->assertEqual($comment_langcode, $langcode, format_string('The comment posted with content language %langcode and belonging to the node with language %node_language has language %comment_language', $args));
            $this->assertEqual($comment->comment_body[$langcode][0]['value'], $comment_values[$node_langcode][$langcode], 'Comment body correctly stored.');
    // Check that comment bodies appear in the administration UI.
    foreach ($comment_values as $node_values) {
        foreach ($node_values as $value) {

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