function DatabaseTasks_pgsql::initializeDatabase

Make PostgreSQL Drupal friendly.


includes/database/pgsql/, line 139




function initializeDatabase() {
    // We create some functions using global names instead of prefixing them
    // like we do with table names. This is so that we don't double up if more
    // than one instance of Drupal is running on a single database. We therefore
    // avoid trying to create them again in that case.
    try {
        // Create functions.
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "greatest"(numeric, numeric) RETURNS numeric AS
        \'SELECT CASE WHEN (($1 > $2) OR ($2 IS NULL)) THEN $1 ELSE $2 END;\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'');
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "greatest"(numeric, numeric, numeric) RETURNS numeric AS
        \'SELECT greatest($1, greatest($2, $3));\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'');
        // Don't use {} around pg_proc table.
        if (!db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'rand'")->fetchField()) {
            db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "rand"() RETURNS float AS
          \'SELECT random();\'
          LANGUAGE \'sql\'');
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "substring_index"(text, text, integer) RETURNS text AS
        \'SELECT array_to_string((string_to_array($1, $2)) [1:$3], $2);\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'');
        // Using || to concatenate in Drupal is not recommended because there are
        // database drivers for Drupal that do not support the syntax, however
        // they do support CONCAT(item1, item2) which we can replicate in
        // PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL requires the function to be defined for each
        // different argument variation the function can handle.
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "concat"(anynonarray, anynonarray) RETURNS text AS
        \'SELECT CAST($1 AS text) || CAST($2 AS text);\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "concat"(text, anynonarray) RETURNS text AS
        \'SELECT $1 || CAST($2 AS text);\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "concat"(anynonarray, text) RETURNS text AS
        \'SELECT CAST($1 AS text) || $2;\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'
        db_query('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "concat"(text, text) RETURNS text AS
        \'SELECT $1 || $2;\'
        LANGUAGE \'sql\'
        $this->pass(st('PostgreSQL has initialized itself.'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $this->fail(st('Drupal could not be correctly setup with the existing database. Revise any errors.'));

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