function CommentNonNodeTest::testCommentFunctionality

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentNonNodeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\comment\Functional\CommentNonNodeTest::testCommentFunctionality()
  2. 10 core/modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentNonNodeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\comment\Functional\CommentNonNodeTest::testCommentFunctionality()
  3. 11.x core/modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentNonNodeTest.php \Drupal\Tests\comment\Functional\CommentNonNodeTest::testCommentFunctionality()

Tests anonymous comment functionality.


core/modules/comment/tests/src/Functional/CommentNonNodeTest.php, line 267


Tests commenting on a test entity.




public function testCommentFunctionality() {
    $limited_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        'administer entity_test fields',
    // Test that default field exists.
    // Test widget hidden option is not visible when there's no comments.
    // Test that field to change cardinality is not available.
    // Test breadcrumb on comment add page.
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment');
    $xpath = '//nav[@class="breadcrumb"]/ol/li[last()]/a';
        ->getText(), $this->entity
        ->label(), 'Last breadcrumb item is equal to node title on comment reply page.');
    // Post a comment.
    /** @var \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface $comment1 */
    $comment1 = $this->postComment($this->entity, $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName());
    $this->assertTrue($this->commentExists($comment1), 'Comment on test entity exists.');
    // Test breadcrumb on comment reply page.
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment/' . $comment1->id());
    $xpath = '//nav[@class="breadcrumb"]/ol/li[last()]/a';
        ->getText(), $comment1->getSubject(), 'Last breadcrumb item is equal to comment title on comment reply page.');
    // Test breadcrumb on comment edit page.
    $this->drupalGet('comment/' . $comment1->id() . '/edit');
    $xpath = '//nav[@class="breadcrumb"]/ol/li[last()]/a';
        ->getText(), $comment1->getSubject(), 'Last breadcrumb item is equal to comment subject on edit page.');
    // Test breadcrumb on comment delete page.
    $this->drupalGet('comment/' . $comment1->id() . '/delete');
    $xpath = '//nav[@class="breadcrumb"]/ol/li[last()]/a';
        ->getText(), $comment1->getSubject(), 'Last breadcrumb item is equal to comment subject on delete confirm page.');
    // Unpublish the comment.
    $this->performCommentOperation($comment1, 'unpublish');
    $this->assertRaw('comments[' . $comment1->id() . ']', 'Comment was unpublished.');
    // Publish the comment.
    $this->performCommentOperation($comment1, 'publish', TRUE);
    $this->assertRaw('comments[' . $comment1->id() . ']', 'Comment was published.');
    // Delete the comment.
    $this->performCommentOperation($comment1, 'delete');
    $this->assertNoRaw('comments[' . $comment1->id() . ']', 'Comment was deleted.');
    // Post another comment.
    $comment1 = $this->postComment($this->entity, $this->randomMachineName(), $this->randomMachineName());
    $this->assertTrue($this->commentExists($comment1), 'Comment on test entity exists.');
    // Check that the comment was found.
    $this->assertRaw('comments[' . $comment1->id() . ']', 'Comment was published.');
    // Check that entity access applies to administrative page.
        ->label(), 'Name of commented account found.');
    $limited_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        'administer comments',
        ->label(), 'No commented account name found.');
    // Deny anonymous users access to comments.
    user_role_change_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, [
        'access comments' => FALSE,
        'post comments' => FALSE,
        'skip comment approval' => FALSE,
        'view test entity' => TRUE,
    // Attempt to view comments while disallowed.
    $this->drupalGet('entity-test/' . $this->entity
        ->responseNotMatches('@<h2[^>]*>Comments</h2>@', 'Comments were not displayed.');
        ->linkNotExists('Add new comment', 'Link to add comment was found.');
    // Attempt to view test entity comment form while disallowed.
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('subject[0][value]', '', 'Subject field not found.');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment field not found.');
    user_role_change_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, [
        'access comments' => TRUE,
        'post comments' => FALSE,
        'view test entity' => TRUE,
        'skip comment approval' => FALSE,
    $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $this->entity
    // Verify that the comment field title is displayed.
        ->linkExists('Log in', 0, 'Link to login was found.');
        ->linkExists('register', 0, 'Link to register was found.');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('subject[0][value]', '', 'Subject field not found.');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment field not found.');
    // Test the combination of anonymous users being able to post, but not view
    // comments, to ensure that access to post comments doesn't grant access to
    // view them.
    user_role_change_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, [
        'access comments' => FALSE,
        'post comments' => TRUE,
        'skip comment approval' => TRUE,
        'view test entity' => TRUE,
    $this->drupalGet('entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->responseNotMatches('@<h2[^>]*>Comments</h2>@', 'Comments were not displayed.');
    $this->assertFieldByName('subject[0][value]', '', 'Subject field found.');
    $this->assertFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment field found.');
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment/' . $comment1->id());
    $this->assertNoText($comment1->getSubject(), 'Comment not displayed.');
    // Test comment field widget changes.
    $limited_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        'administer entity_test fields',
        'view test entity',
        'administer entity_test content',
        'administer comments',
    // Test comment option change in field settings.
    $edit = [
        'default_value_input[comment][0][status]' => CommentItemInterface::CLOSED,
        'settings[anonymous]' => CommentInterface::ANONYMOUS_MAY_CONTACT,
    $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save settings'));
    $this->assertFieldByName('settings[anonymous]', CommentInterface::ANONYMOUS_MAY_CONTACT);
    // Add a new comment-type.
    $bundle = CommentType::create([
        'id' => 'foobar',
        'label' => 'Foobar',
        'description' => '',
        'target_entity_type_id' => 'entity_test',
    // Add a new comment field.
    $storage_edit = [
        'settings[comment_type]' => 'foobar',
    $this->fieldUIAddNewField('entity_test/structure/entity_test', 'foobar', 'Foobar', 'comment', $storage_edit);
    // Add a third comment field.
    $this->fieldUIAddNewField('entity_test/structure/entity_test', 'barfoo', 'BarFoo', 'comment', $storage_edit);
    // Check the field contains the correct comment type.
    $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::load('entity_test.field_barfoo');
    $this->assertInstanceOf(FieldStorageConfig::class, $field_storage);
    $this->assertEqual($field_storage->getSetting('comment_type'), 'foobar');
    $this->assertEqual($field_storage->getCardinality(), 1);
    // Test the new entity commenting inherits default.
    $random_label = $this->randomMachineName();
    $data = [
        'bundle' => 'entity_test',
        'name' => $random_label,
    $new_entity = EntityTest::create($data);
    $this->drupalGet('entity_test/manage/' . $new_entity->id() . '/edit');
    // @todo Check proper url and form
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/comment/' . $new_entity->id());
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('subject[0][value]', '', 'Subject field found.');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment field found.');
    // Test removal of comment_body field.
    $limited_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
        'administer entity_test fields',
        'post comments',
        'administer comment fields',
        'administer comment types',
        'view test entity',
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment');
    $this->assertFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment body field found.');
    $this->fieldUIDeleteField('admin/structure/comment/manage/comment', 'comment.comment.comment_body', 'Comment', 'Comment settings');
    $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/entity_test/' . $this->entity
        ->id() . '/comment');
    $this->assertNoFieldByName('comment_body[0][value]', '', 'Comment body field not found.');
    // Set subject field to autogenerate it.
    $edit = [
        'subject[0][value]' => '',
    $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

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