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Title Object type File name Summary
DatabaseLog::findCaller function includes/database/ Determine the routine that called this query.
DatabaseLog::get function includes/database/ Retrieve the query log for the specified logging key so far.
DatabaseLog::log function includes/database/ Log a query to all active logging keys.
DatabaseLog::start function includes/database/ Begin logging queries to the specified connection and logging key.
DatabaseLog::__construct function includes/database/ Constructor.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Query logging tests.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableLogging function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can log the existence of a query.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableMultiConnectionLogging function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can log queries separately on different connections.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableMultiLogging function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can run two logs in parallel.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableTargetLogging function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that we can log queries against multiple targets on the same connection.
DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableTargetLoggingNoTarget function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test that logs to separate targets collapse to the same connection properly.
dblog-rtl.css file modules/dblog/dblog-rtl.css Right-to-Left styling for the Database Logging module. file modules/dblog/ Administrative page callbacks for the Database Logging module.
dblog.css file modules/dblog/dblog.css Admin styles for the Database Logging module. file modules/dblog/ name = Database logging
description = Logs and records system events to the database.
package = Core
version = VERSION
core = 7.x
files[] = dblog.test
dblog.install file modules/dblog/dblog.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the dblog module.
dblog.module file modules/dblog/dblog.module System monitoring and logging for administrators.
dblog.test file modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests for dblog.module.
DBLogTestCase class modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests logging messages to the database.
DBLogTestCase::$any_user property modules/dblog/dblog.test A user without any permissions.
DBLogTestCase::$big_user property modules/dblog/dblog.test A user with some relevant administrative permissions.
DBLogTestCase::assertLogMessage function modules/dblog/dblog.test Confirms that a log message appears on the database log overview screen.
DBLogTestCase::asText function modules/dblog/dblog.test Extracts the text contained by the XHTML element.
DBLogTestCase::doNode function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates and then verifies some node events.
DBLogTestCase::doUser function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates and then verifies some user events.
DBLogTestCase::generateLogEntries function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates a number of random database log events.
DBLogTestCase::getContent function modules/dblog/dblog.test Creates random content based on node content type.
DBLogTestCase::getContentUpdate function modules/dblog/dblog.test Creates random content as an update based on node content type.
DBLogTestCase::getInfo function modules/dblog/dblog.test
DBLogTestCase::getLogEntries function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the database log event information from the browser page.
DBLogTestCase::getSeverityConstant function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the watchdog severity constant corresponding to the CSS class.
DBLogTestCase::getTypeCount function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the count of database log entries by database log event type.
DBLogTestCase::setUp function modules/dblog/dblog.test Enable modules and create users with specific permissions.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLog function modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests Database Logging module functionality through interfaces.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogAddAndClear function modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests the addition and clearing of log events through the admin interface.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogCorrupted function modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests corrupted log entries can still display available data.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogException function modules/dblog/dblog.test Verifies that exceptions are caught in dblog_watchdog().
DBLogTestCase::testFilter function modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests the database log filter functionality at admin/reports/dblog.
DBLogTestCase::testLogMessageSanitized function modules/dblog/dblog.test Make sure HTML tags are filtered out in the log detail page.
DBLogTestCase::verifyCron function modules/dblog/dblog.test Verifies that cron correctly applies the database log row limit.
DBLogTestCase::verifyEvents function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates and then verifies various types of events.
DBLogTestCase::verifyReports function modules/dblog/dblog.test Confirms that database log reports are displayed at the correct paths.
DBLogTestCase::verifyRowLimit function modules/dblog/dblog.test Verifies setting of the database log row limit.
dblog_build_filter_query function modules/dblog/ Builds a query for database log administration filters based on session.
dblog_clear_log_form function modules/dblog/ Form constructor for the form that clears out the log.
dblog_clear_log_submit function modules/dblog/ Form submission handler for dblog_clear_log_form().
dblog_cron function modules/dblog/dblog.module Implements hook_cron().
dblog_event function modules/dblog/ Page callback: Displays details about a specific database log message.
dblog_filters function modules/dblog/ Creates a list of database log administration filters that can be applied.

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