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Title Object type File name Summary
actions_load function includes/ Retrieves a single action from the database.
aggregator_category_load function modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Loads an aggregator category.
aggregator_feed_items_load function modules/aggregator/ Loads and optionally filters feed items.
aggregator_feed_load function modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Loads an aggregator feed.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase::testLazyLoad function modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Test that new JavaScript and CSS files added during an AJAX request are returned.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase::testLazyLoadOverriddenCSS function modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test Tests that overridden CSS files are not added during lazy load.
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form function modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module Form builder: Builds a form that triggers a simple AJAX callback.
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form_ajax function modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module AJAX callback for the ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form() form.
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form_submit function modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module Form submit handler: Adds JavaScript and CSS that wasn't on the original form.
anonymous_user_unblock_test_user_load function modules/user/tests/anonymous_user_unblock_test.module Implements hook_user_load().
Archive_Tar::loadExtension function modules/system/ OS independent PHP extension load. Remember to take care
on the correct extension name for case sensitive OSes.
batch_load function includes/ Loads a batch from the database.
blocked_ip_load function modules/system/system.module Retrieve a blocked IP address from the database.
block_load function modules/block/block.module Loads a block object from the database.
book_link_load function modules/book/book.module Gets a book menu link by its menu link ID.
book_node_load function modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_load().
BootstrapAutoloadTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test Tests the auto-loading behavior of the code registry.
BootstrapAutoloadTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
BootstrapAutoloadTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BootstrapAutoloadTestCase::testAutoloadCase function modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test Tests that autoloader name matching is not case sensitive.
CascadingStylesheetsUnitTest::testLoadCssBasic function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests basic CSS loading with and without optimization via drupal_load_stylesheet().
CommentController::attachLoad function modules/comment/comment.module Attaches data to entities upon loading.
comment_file_download_access function modules/comment/comment.module Implements hook_file_download_access().
comment_load function modules/comment/comment.module Load the entire comment by cid.
comment_load_multiple function modules/comment/comment.module Load comments from the database.
comment_node_load function modules/comment/comment.module Implements hook_node_load().
comment_node_type_load function modules/comment/comment.module Menu loader callback for Field UI paths.
contact_load function modules/contact/contact.module Loads a contact category.
Database::loadDriverFile function includes/database/ Load a file for the database that might hold a class.
drupal-6.upload.database.php file modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/drupal-6.upload.database.php
DrupalAutoloadTestClass class modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ This class is empty because we only care if Drupal can find it.
DrupalAutoloadTestInterface interface modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ This interface is empty because we only care if Drupal can find it.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::$hookLoadArguments property includes/ Additional arguments to pass to hook_TYPE_load().
DrupalDefaultEntityController::attachLoad function includes/ Attaches data to entities upon loading.
DrupalDefaultEntityController::load function includes/ Implements DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load().
DrupalEntityControllerInterface::load function includes/ Loads one or more entities.
DrupalWebTestCase::loadSetupCache function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Copies the cached tables and files for a cached installation setup.
DrupalWebTestCase::preloadRegistry function modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php Preload the registry from the testing site.
drupal_autoload_class function includes/ Confirms that a class is available.
drupal_autoload_interface function includes/ Confirms that an interface is available. file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ name = "Drupal code registry test"
description = "Support module for testing the code registry."
files[] =
files[] =
package = Testing
version = VERSION
core =…
drupal_autoload_test.module file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/drupal_autoload_test.module Test module to check code registry. file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ Test classes for code registry testing. file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ Test interfaces for code registry testing.
drupal_autoload_test_registry_files_alter function modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/drupal_autoload_test.module Implements hook_registry_files_alter(). file modules/simpletest/tests/drupal_autoload_test/ Test traits for code registry testing.
drupal_autoload_trait function includes/ Confirms that a trait is available.
drupal_load function includes/ Includes a file with the provided type and name.
drupal_load_stylesheet function includes/ Loads the stylesheet and resolves all @import commands.
drupal_load_stylesheet_content function includes/ Processes the contents of a stylesheet for aggregation.

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