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Title Object type File name Summary file modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Database Test"
description = "Support module for Database layer tests."
core = 7.x
package = Testing
version = VERSION
hidden = TRUE
database_test.install file modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the database_test module.
database_test.module file modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module
database_test.test file modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
database_test_db_query_temporary function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Run a db_query_temporary and output the table name and its number of rows.
database_test_even_pager_query function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Run a pager query and return the results.
database_test_menu function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Implements hook_menu().
database_test_odd_pager_query function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Run a pager query and return the results.
database_test_query_alter function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Implements hook_query_alter().
database_test_query_database_test_alter_remove_range_alter function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
database_test_schema function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.install Implements hook_schema().
database_test_tablesort function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Run a tablesort query and return the results.
database_test_tablesort_first function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Run a tablesort query with a second order_by after and return the results.
database_test_theme_tablesort function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.module Output a form without setting a header sort. file includes/ Initializes the list of date formats and their locales.
DateFormatTestCase class modules/system/system.test Tests date format configuration.
DateFormatTestCase::$admin_user property modules/system/system.test
DateFormatTestCase::getInfo function modules/system/system.test
DateFormatTestCase::setUp function modules/system/system.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
DateFormatTestCase::testDefaultDateFormats function modules/system/system.test Test the default date type formats are consistent.
DateTimeFunctionalTest class modules/system/system.test Tests generic date and time handling capabilities of Drupal.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::$admin_user property modules/system/system.test
DateTimeFunctionalTest::getInfo function modules/system/system.test
DateTimeFunctionalTest::setUp function modules/system/system.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatConfiguration function modules/system/system.test Test date format configuration.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatStorage function modules/system/system.test Test if the date formats are stored properly.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateTypeConfiguration function modules/system/system.test Test date type configuration.
DateTimeFunctionalTest::testTimeZoneHandling function modules/system/system.test Test time zones and DST handling.
date_iso8601 function includes/ Returns an ISO8601 formatted date based on the given date.
date_validate function includes/ Validates the date type to prevent invalid dates (e.g., February 30, 2006).
dblog-rtl.css file modules/dblog/dblog-rtl.css Right-to-Left styling for the Database Logging module. file modules/dblog/ Administrative page callbacks for the Database Logging module.
dblog.css file modules/dblog/dblog.css Admin styles for the Database Logging module. file modules/dblog/ name = Database logging
description = Logs and records system events to the database.
package = Core
version = VERSION
core = 7.x
files[] = dblog.test
dblog.install file modules/dblog/dblog.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the dblog module.
dblog.module file modules/dblog/dblog.module System monitoring and logging for administrators.
dblog.test file modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests for dblog.module.
DBLogTestCase class modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests logging messages to the database.
DBLogTestCase::$any_user property modules/dblog/dblog.test A user without any permissions.
DBLogTestCase::$big_user property modules/dblog/dblog.test A user with some relevant administrative permissions.
DBLogTestCase::assertLogMessage function modules/dblog/dblog.test Confirms that a log message appears on the database log overview screen.
DBLogTestCase::asText function modules/dblog/dblog.test Extracts the text contained by the XHTML element.
DBLogTestCase::doNode function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates and then verifies some node events.
DBLogTestCase::doUser function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates and then verifies some user events.
DBLogTestCase::generateLogEntries function modules/dblog/dblog.test Generates a number of random database log events.
DBLogTestCase::getContent function modules/dblog/dblog.test Creates random content based on node content type.
DBLogTestCase::getContentUpdate function modules/dblog/dblog.test Creates random content as an update based on node content type.
DBLogTestCase::getInfo function modules/dblog/dblog.test
DBLogTestCase::getLogEntries function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the database log event information from the browser page.
DBLogTestCase::getSeverityConstant function modules/dblog/dblog.test Gets the watchdog severity constant corresponding to the CSS class.

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