Files - 7.x-1.x - ctools

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Title Deprecated File name Namespace Summary includes/ Support for creating 'context' type task handlers.
context.css css/context.css .ctools-context-holder .ctools-context-title { float: left; width: 49%; font-style: italic; } .ctools-context-holder .ctools-context-content { float: right; width: 49%; }
context.html help/context.html includes/ Contains code related to the ctools system of 'context'. includes/ Contains menu item registration for the context tool. includes/ Contains plugin type registration information for the context tool.
context.test tests/context.test Test the keyword substitution functionality. includes/ Contains theme registry and theme implementations for the context tool. plugins/access/ includes/ Custom cache implementation for the CTools CSS cache.
css.html help/css.html includes/ CSS filtering functions. Contains a disassembler, filter, compressor, and decompressor.
css.test tests/css.test
css_cache.test tests/css_cache.test
ctools-ajax-sample.css ctools_ajax_sample/css/ctools-ajax-sample.css div.ctools-sample-modal-content { background: none; border: 0; color: #000; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; } div.ctools-sample-modal-content .modal-scroll { overflow: hidden; overflow-y:…
ctools.api.php ./ctools.api.php Hooks provided by the Chaos Tool Suite.
ctools.css css/ctools.css .ctools-locked { color: red; border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em; } .ctools-owns-lock { background: #ffffdd none repeat scroll 0 0; border: 1px solid #f0c020; padding:… drush/ CTools Drush commands. tests/ #!/bin/bash # Run this from the terminal inside a drupal root folder # i.e. DRUPAL_ROOT_DIR/sites/all/modules/contrib/ctools/tests/ function stamp { echo ============== echo timestamp : `date` echo… ./ name = Chaos tools description = A library of helpful tools by Merlin of Chaos. core = 7.x package = Chaos tool suite files[] = includes/ files[] = includes/ files[] = includes/ files[] = includes/ ;…
ctools.install ./ctools.install Contains install and update functions for ctools.
ctools.module ./ctools.module CTools primary module file.
ctools.plugins.test tests/ctools.plugins.test
ctools.test tests/ctools.test Test classes for code in the CTools module file.
ctoolsCachedPluginArray.class.php tests/plugins/cached/ctoolsCachedPluginArray.class.php A cached plugin object that tests inheritance including.
ctoolsCachedPluginArray2.class.php tests/plugins/cached/ctoolsCachedPluginArray2.class.php A cached plugin object that tests inheritance including.
ctoolsNotCachedPluginArray.class.php tests/plugins/not_cached/ctoolsNotCachedPluginArray.class.php A cached plugin object that tests inheritance including.
ctoolsNotCachedPluginArray2.class.php tests/plugins/not_cached/ctoolsNotCachedPluginArray2.class.php A cached plugin object that tests including. ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/export_ui/ ctools_access_ruleset/ name = Custom rulesets description = Create custom, exportable, reusable access rulesets for applications like Panels. core = 7.x package = Chaos tool suite dependencies[] = ctools:ctools
ctools_access_ruleset.install ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.install
ctools_access_ruleset.module ctools_access_ruleset/ctools_access_ruleset.module The ctools_access_ruleset module.
ctools_access_ruleset_ui.class.php ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/export_ui/ctools_access_ruleset_ui.class.php ctools_ajax_sample/ name = Chaos Tools (CTools) AJAX Example description = Shows how to use the power of Chaos AJAX. package = Chaos tool suite dependencies[] = ctools:ctools core = 7.x
ctools_ajax_sample.install ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.install
ctools_ajax_sample.module ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module Sample AJAX functionality so people can see some of the CTools AJAX features in use. ctools_custom_content/plugins/export_ui/ ctools_custom_content/ name = Custom content panes description = Create custom, exportable, reusable content panes for applications like Panels. core = 7.x package = Chaos tool suite dependencies[] = ctools:ctools
ctools_custom_content.install ctools_custom_content/ctools_custom_content.install
ctools_custom_content.module ctools_custom_content/ctools_custom_content.module The ctools_custom_content module.
ctools_custom_content_ui.class.php ctools_custom_content/plugins/export_ui/ctools_custom_content_ui.class.php
ctools_export.test tests/ctools_export_test/ctools_export.test tests/ctools_export_test/ tests/ctools_export_test/ name = CTools export test description = CTools export test module core = 7.x package = Chaos tool suite dependencies[] = ctools:ctools hidden = TRUE files[] = ctools_export.test
ctools_export_test.install tests/ctools_export_test/ctools_export_test.install
ctools_export_test.module tests/ctools_export_test/ctools_export_test.module
ctools_export_ui.class.php plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php plugins/export_ui/ ctools_plugin_example/ name = Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example description = Shows how an external module can provide ctools plugins (for Panels, etc.). core = 7.x package = Chaos tool suite dependencies[] = advanced_help:advanced_help dependencies[] =…
ctools_plugin_example.module ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Working sample module to demonstrate CTools 3 plugins.

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